Moses sounds the duck call

Ah man B_F_E, you know we're gonna hear about this one.

I have long thought that a lot of the very religious people I know have been on some hallucinogenic drug. Taking an acid trip, good or bad, would certainly avail the user to some profound $hit and mind opening experiences. Having known someone who dropped once and then spent a day or two running around the forest scared to death of squirrels, I can fully relate to blaring trumpets, bright lights and a guy with a beard and some tablets. :)
"Shanon wrote that he was very familiar with the affects of the ayahuasca plant, having "partaken of the ... brew about 160 times in various locales and contexts.""

The answer to this nuts article is in what he said. this dude needs to back away from the ayahuasca pipe.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
I think he may have it backwards a bit, Moses was the clear headed one, it's we, this generation thats delusional, as long as the Devil's spokesman, Dr. So & So keep making excuse's why we shouldn't believe the BIBLE, then some of you guys can keep your eyes closed for alittle bit longer...

B asic
I nstructions
B efore
L eaving
E arth
Organized religion in most cases is just a cruch for weak minded people. I know who my maker is, do the best job I can, and try to be happy. I dont need to put my money in the plate once a week to feel good about myself just so the church can put copper rain gutters up and new tile in the bathrooms....To each their own.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Man I've said this before but I WISH I WAS FUNNY! I'm glad you guys are quicker then me! I read this and went back to the lobby before I realized why BFE titled it "moses blowing on a duck call" LMFAO

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