moseley's wyoming goat


Very Active Member
Moseley has had a pretty rough year this year. as a dad I'm proud of how he is holding up.
you see his wife has had a liver transplant in June and has been vary sick most of the time. she is back in the hospital again right now.
Moseley still got out some but not as much as normal.
he and his son who is three went antelope hunting with a rifle one day and scored big time. Mose went several times with a bow and could have shot many bucks but he held out for a nice one.
when Mose got out to rifle hunt he discovered his son Casey had taken his shoes off before they left the house.
it still didn't stop him he spotted this buck and stalked up making a great shot.

he didn't get any field photos


the bucks green score is 83 7/8" and i scored it tight
he needed something good this year he has had a hard row to hoe this year and at 23 yrs old he has handled it better than i could have at 47.
then last Monday he made it out deer hunting one morning and this is what he scored on


26" wide 6x6 with a 7th to short to count.
i haven't put a tape to him but we are guessing 165 to 175"
not bad for one morning hunt.
this buck had a huge body moseley is 230 lbs and this deer makes him look small i'm sure it was over 300 lbs on the hoof.
Hope things get better for Mosely and his wife. Things are definitely going good for his hunting season. Congrats Mosely on two great bucks. fatrooster.
Very nice animals! Love that pronghorn. Hang in there moseley.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
i was just looking at the score sheet the gross was 85 1/8 and net 83 7/8
7 5/8 and 7 4/8 at the bases 1/4 was 7 3/8 and 7 4/8 2/4 was 4 3/8 and 3 7/8 the last was 3 even and 2 6/8
the prong was 5 2/8 and5 4/8
the horn lengths were 15 1/8 and 15 1/8.
his deer came out to 162 7/8

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