Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Good call Nunya - might bring you a little bit out of the darkside! LOL

Happy Easter anyway bud.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
i'll pass to, not to much of a religous man, but any religion with a leader who's name was never even mention in----- the bible, well it's a little off base IMO.
Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man! Gotta love 300 wbymag. Can u say bingo! Lol so much truth to that. All I can say to that is amen!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-11 AT 09:34PM (MST)[p]Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm quite sure Handel was never a Mormon. Oh, and can you tell me which religions current or founding leader is mentioned in the Bible? Just curious.

It's always an adventure!!!
This is ss btw too lazy to log in. Let me go a little further.

The old testament in tons of places referenced the coming of the Christ and how god and the church would work.

Then the new testament fulfilled the prophecies of the old testament.

The several books such as eclesiastes states that any book in addition to the bible is false prophecy.

Then reevaluations state the returning of christ, the tribulation period and then the 1000 year reign of Christ. So for the book of Mormon to flow with the bible we should either be in the tribulation period or the 1000 year reign of Christ.

If we are in the tribulation period then Joseph smith is the Antichrist and if we are in the 1000 year reign of Christ then Joseph smith was god. So what is it? If it's neither yhen Joseph smiths teachings aren't online with the bible and it's false prophecy or the Mormon religion is a religion all itself which is fine just say so. Just get tired of my friends beating me up saying Mormons are Christians. Mormons are Mormons and Christians are christians. Just like Muslims are Muslims and budists are budists. I really don't have a problem with any of them and have friends in all above categories. However I am not and will never be a friend with any religious extremist. Now if either of my grandparents read this I must say I'm sorry. I will never be Mormon or Kano as witness, so yes Josh u can go tell Barbara to leave her f'ing watch tower crap at home and quit coming to my house and lecturing me about becoming a jehovas witness. Jfp! Very Easter I get religiously slammed and am sick of it. Sorry to vent guys but can I'm tired of everyone supposedly trying to save me today. I got my views and u got urs. And awlb, don't be preaching, I got a grandmother who gives me enough. Happy Easter!

We cand fight over religion on a Barbary hunt sometime, deal? Lol
Oh, and for grandma number two, Barbara, john 3:16! In ur king James version bible. Screw the translation scholar bs. Am
Anyone can change small words to make slight changes. Just tell me how john 3:16 doesn't say u are saved by grace. U seem to think u are saved by works. Wrong. U go on trying to earn ur way to heaven. I will simply take what is freely given. One day maybe u can finally answer that question or leave me alone.
"We cand fight over religion on a Barbary hunt sometime, deal?"

Deal! I highly doubt there will be much fighting going on. Too much killing involved. PLUS, you know as well as I do this old man would kick your trash! :D

It's always an adventure!!!
Know why you always invite two Mormons to your party?? Cuz if you only invite one he'll drink all your beer!! Gotta have his buddy to keeps him honest!![/IMG] ~Z~
Why all the bigotry?
You hit the nail right on the head Stinkypickle, we are all anti-christs. What a horrible, evil group us mormons are. I mean, if someone needed a place to store an elk head, I doubt a mormon would volunteer to help out :)
I'm sorry to rant guys but I'm just sick of all this "I'm better than you" religious crap I always see.

Lets see............. My son lost a friend last year because he wouldn't go to their church (jehovas witness), my grandmother won't go to any of my childrens parties because she's jehovas witness. Then my own family won't go to lunch with me after sunday services most of the time because I attend a different church.

To top that all off I have some very good mormon friends who's family disowned them because they changed religions.

Lets just say I've had a lot of issues in this area lately and I'm sick of people choosing friends based on what their religion is. So if you think your better than someone else because of your religion or your good deeds then I assure you that you really need to read the good book all over because quite frankly your the one that needs religion the most.

All I know is religion is a self help tool and not a friggin weapon! I will move on now I swear!

And as for you AWLB, it sounds like you just accepted a barbary hunt huh? lol
>They sure can sing that is
>for sure.

l still don't understand why cutting off their "twins" makes them better singers.....

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I found the rendition of Handel's Hallelujah by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir very beautiful. I don't understand the debate over this world renowned group singing Handel's spiritually uplifting masterpiece.

NV, I'm fine. I just don't get why the uproar over what I felt was a beautifully sung rendition to Handel's Hallelujah.

Me neither but then I didn't listen to it all. Not my style. I just had to laugh at the sermonettes, complete with bible verse and all, about not pushing religion onto others. :)

To paraphrase - "Don't shove your religion down my throat while I'm busy shoving mine down yours".
I'm sorry, but one of the few religious songs i like is called "shine" by collective soul. But not too many people know its a religious song since it doesn't sound religious or is played on those channels. Everytime I try to listen to religious music I start dry heaving. For the most part 99% of religious songs sound like crap. They need to sound more like ozzy osborn, or metallica, or drowning pool.

Ever heard "bodies" by drowning pool other than at ufc events? thats a religous song. Its about the rapture, you know when everyone dies and their "bodies hit the floor" rofl!

Now thats good music!
>Me neither but then I didn't
>listen to it all. Not
>my style. I just had
>to laugh at the sermonettes,
>complete with bible verse and
>all, about not pushing religion
>onto others. :)
>To paraphrase - "Don't shove your
>religion down my throat while
>I'm busy shoving mine down

You hit the nail on the head. Some people are just a big stinky hypocrites. I'm so glad I live in a neighborhood full of Mormons. I can rest easy about my empty house while I'm away. And once they all hit me up about going to church, they've been nothing but good to me.
Even though the MTC isn't my thing, I certainly recognize good talent when I hear it. And it doesn't bother me a bit that they don't belong to my church.
Some guys, even though they're big, are such big ******.

For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE
I googled the words Ignoramus and Bigot............. YUP that works. I am entertained by people who argue about things that they know very little about, BUT, have strong opinions concerning the same.
Nice Easter Music Eldorado!!!!
>Oh, and for grandma number two,
>Barbara, john 3:16! In ur
>king James version bible. Screw
>the translation scholar bs. Am
>Anyone can change small words to
>make slight changes. Just tell
>me how john 3:16 doesn't
>say u are saved by
>grace. U seem to think
>u are saved by works.
>Wrong. U go on trying
>to earn ur way to
>heaven. I will simply take
>what is freely given. One
>day maybe u can finally
>answer that question or leave
>me alone.

Stinky, Care to give you take on James chapter 2. specifically verses 14,17,18,20,24,26.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-11 AT 02:23PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-11 AT 12:46?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-11 AT 12:43?PM (MST)

>>Me neither but then I didn't
>>listen to it all. Not
>>my style. I just had
>>to laugh at the sermonettes,
>>complete with bible verse and
>>all, about not pushing religion
>>onto others. :)
>>To paraphrase - "Don't shove your
>>religion down my throat while
>>I'm busy shoving mine down
>You hit the nail on the
>head. Some people are just
>a big stinky hypocrites. I'm
>so glad I live in
>a neighborhood full of Mormons.
>I can rest easy about
>my empty house while I'm
>away. And once they all
>hit me up about going
>to church, they've been nothing
>but good to me.
>Even though the MTC isn't my
>thing, I certainly recognize good
>talent when I hear it.
>And it doesn't bother me
>a bit that they don't
>belong to my church.
>Some guys, even though they're big,
>are such big ******.

Nice response Longbow - this is just another one of those "consider the source" threads that if you are LDS you just shake your head at, laugh a little and move on with your day because it is not really worth the time or effort to respond and even if you did it is readily apparent that your words would fall on deaf ears and hardened hearts.

Handel's Messiah is one of the most beautiful tributes to the Savior ever written by human hand. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has been long revered as one of the world's most prestigious, important and influential musical groups. They have been performing "The Messiah" since their inception.

To quote the Choir's website:

"Ronald Reagan dubbed the Mormon Tabernacle Choir "America's Choir" in 1981 when the Choir sang at his inauguration. The name has remained because it truly embodies the purpose of the Choir. The Choir began in the mid-1800s on the American plains as the Mormon Pioneers trekked across the country to reach Salt Lake City and has been part of American tradition ever since. One hundred and fifty years later, the songs and sounds of the Choir continue to delight people in the United States and all over the world. It is interesting to note that this American choir's focus?ever since its early days in the dusty desert of Utah?has been to reach out to the entire world. The music of the Choir is universal to people of every faith and culture. Indeed, the music of "America's Choir" resonates throughout the world."

If you truly understand anything about the Mormon Tabernacle Choir you will understand that their message is more about Christ than it is about promoting the LDS Church itself.

I guess the word "Mormon" or anything attached to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is at times too polemical and too hard for some people to handle and becuase of false, incomplete, or misguided understandings of the Church, its doctrines, its origins, and its premises, they feel they have to react passionately to it. Such is the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and that is why in the nineteenth century the LDS people were run out of New York and Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri and Illinois and eventually to the Salt Lake Valley. Some sentiments never die and I guess sometimes it is hard to live in a country in which its Constitution guarantees that its "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" without someone thinking that that statement doesn't apply equally to all citizens.

Oh and BTW, on a side note, we refer to the Choir as "Mo-Tab", The MTC is something totally different. ;-)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I learned something while i was in the marines. And that is to never ever start up conversations about religion. It is amazing the differant outlooks on life and what others believe.
I also became a little confused about religion and what not while in. Here is my little take on it: I was born and brought up in a LDS family. I have my beliefs that i believe in. While in the marines i became best friends with a kid out of oregon who had nothing good to say about mormons what so ever. He lived the life of a rock star who believed in god but didnt really attend any church's or anything. This kid had the biggest heart and would give his shirt off his back for anybody or anyone in the name of service. He was killed on Oct 8th in Iraq with me.
From what religion says and all the beliefs and this and that i re fuse to believe that he aint sitting right next to the man up stairs. I came to the conclusion it dont matter what religion you have labeled on you. If you live this life in service and are a good person I think your good.
Thats just my little take on it and like Stinky said: Religion was not meant to be used as weapon but un fortunately in most cases it is.

And I thought I could only learn about hunting, fishing, politics, personal finance, marriage, how to discipline my kids, how to run a business, how to educate my kids....etc...

Now I have learned about religion. Some of these comments are pretty funny. I am not sure why it bothers people what and how they believe lol...

Although, I guess I am an idiot too for getting baited in to comment..

Eldorado: Sorry you post got side tracked (like 99% of the the other threads on MM).
and like Stinky said:
>Religion was not meant to
>be used as weapon but
>un fortunately in most cases
>it is.

Unfortunately stinky was just as guilty of using religion as a weapon as some who are over zealous in their many differing beliefs. From his posts it is apparent that he needs to go back to the bible and study it out before laying false claims about others religions. Making ignorant and false claims is just as bad as somebody pushing their views and beliefs on somebody who doesn't care to hear them or live them. Stinky is guilty of this in his posts. It is called hypocrisy and IS one of the biggest sins that Jesus denounced during his mortal ministry. But everybody leave king stinky be as he has had too much of this shoved down his throat already and it's obvious he is sick of it.
This guy is right about one thing...they can SING! It's not my place to judge other religions, nor should anyone else that is a beleiver in Jesus Christ who DIED on the cross so we ALL could live forever...In ONE place, all together for eternity.

We each will have our day before God and HE will be our own judge.

I pray that ALL will come to know him, in his own way.

Don't give a Damn what Religion you are or believe in!

As long as it's not that Muslim BS,the thought of them JACKASSES having un-limited Virgins waiting for them kinda bothers me!:D

I'm Mormon,that's JACK Mormon!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
If Stupidstomper gets to go to heaven, I'll be glad to go straight to hell!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
It is ironic that you spout off about the Bible but apparently from your posts know very little about it and its compilation.
>The several books such as eclesiastes
>states that any book in
>addition to the bible is
>false prophecy.

When people use these "adding to" scriptures talking about adding to the Bible as a proving point for discounting any other religious text. Its always a dead giveaway that the individual truly has no concept of what the Bible is and how it came to be. I have found that these individuals are the same that anchor all their beliefs in the concept of being saved by grace, without regard to your works. This is the lazy man's gospel in every aspect. They don't know the origins of their own text, but yet they are fully prepared to tell everyone how to interpret a verse that allows a man to rape, pillage and plunder yet receive the same reward as the Pope or Mother Theresa so long as they are all believers in Christ.
>wow, i dont check in much,
>but i cant believe this
>post is at 38 replys?
>all from a religion that would
>have been known as a
>"cult' if it hadn't of
>gotten so big, so fast.
>telling them they could have
>10 bit***s to ***k.
>sorry, boys- but if your religion
>isn't, at the very least,
>based on ---"THE BIBLE", it's
>f'd up
>maybe i'm as f-d up as
>stinky( i dont think anybody
>is THAT bad);)

You know any right now that have, in your words, 10 ____hes to ____k? I don't. Maybe turn your brain on next time you want to slander a few million folks.

There are plenty of people who would say if your religion ain't based on the Koran then it's ____ed up. What say you 300?

You can agree to disagree without being a BIGOT. While I must admire your intellectual use of the English gutter language as a feeble effort to express yourself, may I remind you that such use is not within outlined terms of use for this forum. I will personally extend you the deviation this time to expose you for the fear mongering bigot that you are.

P.S. Your ever so clever use of the word cult, to paint a certain religion as a scary boogie man pretty much would encompass any religion.

a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
the object of such devotion.

Tayhot, woodruff, and awlb don't ever let me offend you. I think you guys are intelligent enough to know my posting style. PM me if you guys ever get offended so I know I need to come visit you and kick your assets.
The LDS church is more solidly founded off the bible and bible principals than any other Christian religion. Maybe you should check the facts a bit before running your mouth with ignorant rants.

But then again I have a feeling you just want to stir the pot.
WOW! By the time this thread reaches 50 posts, there will be some SERIOUS religious zealots rising up for a Crusade, lynching, cross burnings, or whatever else you guys can think of, to enforce whose beliefs are the most correct.

Fifty three versions of the BIBLE....pick the one you like.

Better to read "Dante's Inferno" and attempt to simply lead a good life and strive to be a good person.

How about this; I personally believe ALL of you "pie in the sky" people, are fools and hypocrits.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Golden rule boys, Golden Rule.

Almost all religions have it. Christians, Hindu, Buddism, Muslim even, yet most fail to comprehend it. Most of these posts prove it.
wow all this over one preety song.......almost as volitile as the atv " tune-up " thread. and on that note i am going turkey hunting this weekend..all you " tune-upers" stay out of north central idaho this weekend please.......:)
Takes a lot to ofend me. Especially on a hunting forum. HAHA.

This is a really good thread regardless of how bad some may talk about us Momos. Even those who disagree with our teachings (Stinky), I still consider you friends.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-11 AT 09:33AM (MST)[p]Just checked the scheduled lesson for this Sunday.
We will be discussing John chapters 9 and 10. The lesson is titled " I was blind and now I see" The purpose is to better understand Jesus Christ as the Light of the World and as the Good Shepherd. Just thought you might want to know
Wow. 10 B___es to f__? That is one exemplary human being right there. I bet you got people flocking to your church with comments like that. I wonder how you talk to your wife or girlfriend. Do you tell her you only have one B___ to F? Or wait, why am I assuming that you even have a girl?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-11 AT 04:25PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-11 AT 04:17?PM (MST)

i almost wanted to say something intelligent here, but
responding to ignorance is almost's like playing hide and go seek with a blind person they don't know where they are let alone where someone else stands......nor do they care to find out, they are after all blind....... so now i think i'll just jump into the unintelligent part with the rest! ;-)

The doctrine of being saved By grace alone as understood by the majority of the Evangelical world is the 2nd greatest heresy to hit the planet behind the destruction of the True nature of God AKA the doctine of the trinity. It takes the Gospel of Jesus Christ the 'Power of God unto Salvation', and drags it thru the dirt. It demeans the mission of the Savior and insults the entire plan. Anyone who has studied the Bible and the four gospels to any depth will come to this understanding. IMHO much much worse than having '10 bi__'s to f___'.......

IMHO behind the LDS faith, the Jehovah's witnesses have the most correct understanding of the bible. When I say correct I mean the gospel as taught by Jesus Christ including the principles of Faith and Repentence, and the ordinances of Baptism by Immersion and Receiving the Holy Ghost or Spirit whichever you prefer for names......

Anyone who would like the bibical references for those opinions can P.M. me or ask for me to post them and I will gladly do so, I hesitate to now cause it might make some 'Christians' a little butt hurt to know that a Crazy dam jack mormon knows the bible better than they do...... ;-)



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