Mormon Prarie Fishing


Long Time Member


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Hmmm don't know how I feel about this one. I mean hell I'd like to try it but it probably shouldn't be on the web. It just adds fuel to the tree huggin nazi fire!

P.s snort I built a smoker. Works like a charm!
PETA will be asking for a ban on prairie fishing and make those Utards go back to cow pie tossing when they are bored.

They wont like the videos of those things getting blown to pieces with the .17 and .50's either. Fishing for em looks pretty harmless to me.
The treehuggers and anti hunting Nazi's can piss into the wind as far as I'm concerned...I'm sick of churchin' everything up for them..

Good deal whiskeybent...They work great especially for what it costs to build..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LMAO!!! The only thing missing there is a couple of 30 packs!! At first I thought it was a big old 00 treble hook. No harm in my eyes. They let him go un-injured. Good stuff!!
Never said I see anything wrong with it, but I guarantee other people will. they will say it harassing them. Overly sensitive people will over react.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-10 AT 04:28PM (MST)[p]I don't like it - seems like pointless harrassment of wildlife to me. I have nothing against hunting prairie dogs because most of the time they are dead or in lots of pieces before they hear the shot, pretty good way to make sure your rifle is dialed in if you ask me, but pulling a critter out of the ground and letting it run around on a rope for a few minutes is just pointless. Plus, it is pretty unsanitary. Don't they realize those things carry the plague?? I would love to see them pull the string out once with a badger on the end - talk about running women and children! That would be epic.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-10 AT 06:05PM (MST)[p]Roy your rant reminded me of a little johnny joke :)

The preacher looked out of the church window and saw Little Johnnie sitting on the curb smashing ants with his finger and saying, "God damn ants, God damn ants". Horrified , the preacher rushes outside to confront the boy.

"Little Johnnie, whatever are you doing? Dont you know that ants are Gods creatures and he has a place for them in life?"
Little Johnnie looks up at the preacher and says, "Preacher, I do believe in God, and I do believe that he has placed all creatures here for a reason..... except for these God damn ants", and continues to smash them with his finger.

The preacher, filled with disbelief , grabs Little Johnnie up from the curb, gets in his face and says, "Little Johnnie, I can not allow this to go on! I want to stop this senseless act immediately and think of all the harm you have caused here today. And before you even think of doing it again, I want you to come up with three things that God has put on this earth for no good reason at all".

With that said, the preacher turned and went back into the church. Soon after, he looked back out of the window to see Little Johnnie still sitting at the curb smashing ants. Now filled with the sin of anger, the preacher stormed out of the church, grabbed Little Johnnie, shook him and shouted, "Little Johnnie, I am beyond belief. No sooner had I gone inside than you have returned to destroying this life at your mindless discretion . Did I not give you the task of coming up with three things that God has put on this earth for no good reason at all before you could return to this travesty against God"?

Little Johnnie looked at the preacher with the eyes of an innocent and said, "But Preacher, I have thought of three things that God has put on this earth for no good reason at all".
The preacher stared at Little Johnnie in total disbelief. "Alright my son" the preacher said, "tell me what three things that God has put on this earth for no good reason at all".

And with a devils grin Little Johnnie said, "This was easy... tittts on a Nun, balls on a Priest, and these God dammn ants"!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I don't believe it! I swear, I don't believe it!

About 25 years ago I was up in the Marble Mountain Wilderness on a back packing trip with my cousin. We set up camp near Pleasant Lake. There was an old rotten log with a knot hole. A chipmunk lived in it. He kept sticking his head out of the hole and "barking" at us. I got the idea to make a noose out of a string and placed it around the hole. When he stuck his head out, I cinched it up, and BINGO! I had him! He ran around just like the gophers on the video! It was soooooo funny!

I finally let him go, just like on the video. He ran right back to his hole, of course. I set the string up again and within a half hour I caught him again!

We did this about 5 times in about two hours! I swear, the chipmunk liked it! He made no attempt to avoid getting caught, and wasn't even scared.

And here I thought I had done something original. Too funny to see someone else do it!

LOL Eel...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Wow Snort!
That's just about enough to Piss the Pope off!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Can't remember who done it?
But when they were younger they'd gut a fish after they caught it & tie the guts on to a rod & real with monofiliment line & cast them guts out & then wait for the Utah state bird to come by & choke em down,then wait for take-off,when the bird got up there about 50-75 yards in the air he'd start getting a bite & then lay in to the rod,poor bastard re-gurjitated his breakfast rather he wanted to or not!
Gawd that would have to hurt!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Looks like just clean family fun, at least those kids aren't painting the walls around town.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Do they know if they carry the plague?? Of course but they don't care...they're plig kids :-( Mama's just a ho any way ya look at it

haha, my uncle tried this at Jellystone a few years back and got a pretty stiff "wildlife harassment" fine and a long lecture by the warden...

Guy in the video looks like he jumped into the shallow end of the gene pool....

That looked like fun... but not as much fun as tuning them into pink mist with a 220 Swift.

What's up with the Little House on the Prairie clothing?? Does being a mormon constitue regressing 100 years of fashionable wear? Strange.. reminds me of Colorado City, AZ.

Sparkey got a couple of those prairie rats this weekend. The don't last very long when shaken violently.
That's some funny stuff right there! Roy I think it's pretty mild and would be way down on the PETA propaganda list so I wouldn't sweat it too much...
It's a lot cleaner than when we use to hunt them with our .300 Win Mags.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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