Morgan south rich antelope



I drew the Morgan-south rich antelope any weapon tag, I have spent my whole life hunting mule deer and elk but I have never hunted antelope. does anybody have any good advice on hunting antelope, habits, terrain, areas and what to look for when judging horn size. thanks
Antelope hunting is a blast. Having said that, I will stipulate that I only have experience in Wyoming, and that I don't know your unit. But I figure a speedgoat is a speedgoat, right? Judging trophy quality is tough for sure, but here are some general rules I follow:
1. you want the flag to start above the tips of the ears
2. total horn length should be about 2x+ the length of the ears for a 15"+ goat.
3. Mass, mass, and more mass. All said and done you have 8 mass measurements and they add up way more than the 4 length measurements (spread while measured, isn't calculated in B&C)
4. Flags should be close to the length of the ears measuring from tip to the back of the horn.
5. As far as mass, all I can say is you know it when you see it! look at pics and mounts as much as possible. And don't discount the mass above the prong either!

If you can meet these requirements, then you will have an 80"+ goat

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