More Wolves to be hunting in MT.

Got to love the pictures they put in the paper.Why don't they put in the one where the wolf is eating the deer while it still alive. Everyone know that P-bears drink coke too and play with penguins. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
This wolf crap is getting so old! why don't you guys get your own clubhouse and cry together somewhere along the east coast(no wolves there).

Do you complain about coyotes and how they swallow mice whole while they are still alive?
Do you complain when a hawk swoops down and grabs a rodent and carries it for a mile or more, STILL ALIVE.
Are you also fighting to get rid of every predatory fish in the water ways, because god forbid, they eat all of their food while it is alive too.

Do you need any more examples of Nature?

Forgot, what about all of those Poor, poor trees that those stupid elk ruin and kill every fall? Just think of all the additional trees we could have for our logging industry if it wasn't for those dang elk.

By the way, I do support the wolf hunting seasons, they need to be managed just like every other big game species.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
mtman - I am not sure you understood the nature of my first post. Maybe because the title was messed up. Sorry. I think this is a good thing - so don't get me wrong and confuse me with a "wolf hugger".

I believe the states that allowed them to be introduced should do more to manage the populations, listen to the ranchers, guides, and sportsmen who have been affected by wolf population increases, and this is a step in the right direction.

But do I think that wolves should be totally eradicated from the west? No I don't, now that we have reintroduced them, we need to take great care to limit their numbers. WE (humans) created the current issues we are having with wolves, they were eradicated at one point and things were doing just fine. But we felt we needed to intervene and bring them back. Well it is our mess so we need to deal with it responsibly.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Good for MT. This is what Wyoming failed to understand. You HAVE to get your foot in the door and not just try to kick it in altogether. I would warn against listening to the ranching industry too much...that's what got the "Cowboy" state in this new mess. Too cozy to the livestock industry...the state went for the jugular and now we are STILL watching and waiting as the wolves spread across the state. Get a number of tags that is seen as reasonable (as MT and ID did), and then raise the quota steadily.

It's like the old adage about cooking a frog. You throw him directly into boiling water and he's gonna jump out. You slowly turn up the heat....and before you know it, you're eating frog legs for dinner.
LAST EDITED ON May-16-10 AT 12:00PM (MST)[p]Roy he under stood your post he was just mocking you.

Roy we as sportsman understand our game numbers are already spread to thin. We have to share our deer, elk, and moose with cougars, bears, and coyotes now we are forced to share our game animals to with a "non threatened", "non endangered" species called the Canadian wolf.

kill them all!! just like you would try and get rid of illegally introduced suckers at strawberry reservoir. kill them like you would kill carp with a bow at Utah Lake.

The wolf was introduced to disrupt our hunting way of life. It was a left wing attack and they are laughing. It is too bad we have weeds in our own hunting community that want to see these predators as opportunity. I don't want to eat dog meat! If I really want to hunt a Canadian wolf ill go to Canada.

We don't have Canadian wolfs in Utah our fish and game say we have big coyotes.


Nets are for fish!!
The eradication plan and "eww gross, they eat deer alive" plan are going nowhere. WY has proven that. The wolves are here to stay. Utah is doing all it can to stop them from getting a foothold but, the states that have them have to deal with them and manage them. Wiping them off the map is not going to happen again. Get a plan....then ratchet up the intensity on them. Grandpas wolf plan doesn't work anymore.
That part about killing things violently isn't the point of wishing the wolves were "gone". The point is that they are killing ALL of the game.

All is (to date) overstated. But the "promise" was that, after 25 years, we would be extremely fortunate if there were 300 wolves established and doing well. No matter who one believes, we are only 12 years in and there are 10 times (or more) that many wolves.

There were at least 3 pups born for every one shot last year.

Actually, the only wolf plan that will allow for huntable numbers of elk and deer is "grandpa's" plan.

Anyone who doubts this need only read and look......not the rhetoric but the on-the-ground facts.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Yeah, I agree with you fellas on the fact that wolves are not good to our herds. That's not my point. I'm trying to stress that are we going to spin our wheels in this grand eradication plan in hopes of doing something 10 YEARS from now or are we going to start killing NOW? One way, gets you SOMETHING...the other way, as my homestate is seeing...will get you NOTHING. NEVER. The current political climate just won't allow it. Unless folks go vigilante on the wolf war...we've got to be smart about it.

What do you mean when you ask when will Idaho follow suit? Idaho's wolf hunt quota was nearly 3 times what Montana's quota was, 220 vs. 75, and now Idaho is allowing additional harvest by outfitters in the Lolo zone. Check out this link,

Idaho is the most proactive state in getting control of the federally introduced Canadian Gray Wolf.
I could get a rats ass that they eat a deer still alive,That just the way of nature, Just like me catchiing and killing him it the Hunters way. WHAT I was trying to in-part on the crowd was they(newspapers,Tv and such) only show the wolf in a good way,same with the bears drinking coke and playing with penguins.They Never show the wolf in his killing form. They never show him eating Bambi or playing catch with the Moose with friends.Pu those pictures in the news and the newspapers and see how the people love the wolf.
Hope all the states put out a season on them.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
What I find interesting is that article is in the LA Times, and there is only one (1) comment. I was expecting a bunch.

I'm all for an agressive control program of the wolf. I would actually like to go back to the original intent, but I think it's too late for that now. Wolves have increased enough and spread out enough that conventional methods might slow them down, but that's about it. The cancer is out of control. A lot of their habitat is rugged, thick and inaccessable to sport hunting. Even aerial hunting would be hard, unless you could catch them on the more open winter grounds. Poison would work, but good luck with that. Look at the coyote. Sport hunting barely slows them down. The wolves will be gone when their food supply is gone.


"I was beginning to lose my stomach for guiding, finding that the hunted were often more noble than the hunter."
Jay Hammond
Roy, I didn't even read the article you posted, I was actually referring to Gator's comment- "Why don't they put in the one where the wolf is eating the deer while it still alive."

I should have quoted him from the begining.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
EEL right you shoot a couple out of the pack the female has 6-8 pups more, they will be gone after they run out of deer and elk and when they start on the herds of cattle then it will be a wholesale hunt for them then. Cattleman are still pretty strong in most western states.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>AT 12:00?PM (MST)


>We don't have Canadian wolfs in
>Utah our fish and game
>say we have big coyotes.

>Nets are for fish!!

That's good. Coyotes are not protected. You can hunt them year round without a tag or license. So if any of you see any big coyotes in Utah, fish and game says its okay to shoot them?
>What do you mean when you
>ask when will Idaho follow
>suit? Idaho's wolf hunt quota
>was nearly 3 times what
>Montana's quota was, 220 vs.
>75, and now Idaho is
>allowing additional harvest by outfitters
>in the Lolo zone. Check
>out this link,
>Idaho is the most proactive state
>in getting control of the
>federally introduced Canadian Gray Wolf.

Good for Idaho. I wasn't saying that they weren't doing anything already, just wondering if they would increase their harvest numbers as well. Sounds like a good idea.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON May-17-10 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]At Mntman
What a moronic comparison, even if you are just mocking the thread.
There are literally MILLIONS of mice and rodents for coyotes and hawks to eat. If there were millions of elk and deer in each of the western states, you're right, we probably wouldn't have a problem with wolves eating a few thousand every year. As it is, a few thousand deer and elk, constitutes a percentage of the total population, and with wolf numbers on the rise, that percentage will continue to rise if left unchecked. Also, there are no seasons and no quotas on the number of coyotes we can kill.

"Are you also fighting to get rid of every predatory fish in the water ways, because god forbid, they eat all of their food while it is alive too."
This is stupid because every Fish and Game agency in the west is constantly fighting predatory fish populations, any sportsman would know that. The reference to eating game alive is simply a mockery of the medias portrayal of wolves as stuffed animals instead of predatory killers.

"Forgot, what about all of those Poor, poor trees that those stupid elk ruin and kill every fall? Just think of all the additional trees we could have for our logging industry if it wasn't for those dang elk."
Also, generally speaking, elk tend to tear up and destroy soft wood trees, and saplings such as Aspens. Large, hardwood trees such as Pines that are used for lumber, are not usually the target for a bull elk rubbing his velvet, or discouraging rival bulls during the rut.

Your comments are not founded on facts, make no sense based on the comparisons you have made, are not funny, and I would bet that your handle of 'mntman' is some abbreviation of 'mount man' (As a sexual preference) rather than an abbreviation related to the mountains... Does it make me a 'homophobe' that I figured that out about you...??? LOL Are you from Seattle, or straigh out of San Fran...??? LOL

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
BrowningRage you are such a remarkable man for making up something about someone you have never met! I have no idea who you are where you are from and really don't care. If you read my post it's about the poster complaining about the wolves eating the elk while they are alive.
I'm so sick of this as an argument against wolves, if you are really against them come up with something that matters by educating yourself about them.
For example
1. the balance of predator-prey is out of balance due to...
2. Since the introduction of wolves, elk numbers have decreased "x" percent, even though hunter tag numbers have decreased "x" percent, bear populations have declined, mnt lion have maintained etc...
3. There has been multiple studys with the answers pointing towards a collapse of local economy's as a result of elk, deer, sheep populations crashing and no hunters, wildlife viewers now visiting the area.

Do you need more or should I come up with some more for you???

Oh yeah it was sarcasim since you couldn't tell for sure...

The reason I have this name is because the name "mountainman" was already taken. The reason I used this name is because I work in side a mountain, so it's kinda fittin that I love being in the mountains and I also work in one. There now you know a little about me.

One last thing, does your name stand for the rage you put into a browning hole? :)


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Honest to goodness I laughed out loud at the "browning hole" joke. You got a sense of humor for sure. I apologize if I was too critical of your previous post. Truth is I thought it was sarcasm, but with some of the stuff that gets posted these days... well, I made the wrong assumption.
Anyway, there do seem to be a lot of posts about wolves, I think if guys would read previous threads they could just post there instead of starting new ones. Maybe this is why you are sick of hearing all the whining..?
And you literally are a "Mountain Man"... I will never question you otherwise. I only use Browningrage because that's my current bow. I hope next year to be known as HoytCarbonMatrix... :D
Seriously, no hard feelings brother. I'll remember your sarcasm and sense of humor in the future. Happy hunting...!!!

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
you have to where I worked for 4+ years prior to the mountain.
No worries, it's very hard to type sarcasm on these. I do get carried away at times.
I like HoytCarbonMatrix better for 2 reasons, I shoot hoyt and it doesn't sound so gay ;-)


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
The worst thing (health wise) a wolf can do in the three state region, would be attack cattle, sheep, or other domestic animals. It's a instant death sentence. Quit worrying about the livestock.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.

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