More Retards in the wilderness



Well, just when you think you've heard it all. These 2 brainiacs ignore the warnings and almost pay the ultimate price. How can you live out here in the West and not know what is going on in all the rivers/tributaries right now?

They'll probably sue and win, just like the bear attack victims.
Lets see?warn not once but twice and is wanting to know why they weren't warned more? He will probably win in court too. Only upside to this is if he does win maybe he can buy himself a set of teeff. LMAO!

LAST EDITED ON May-12-11 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-12-11 AT 12:59?PM (MST)

I wonder if they will sue for embarrassment,pain and suffering and loss of camping gear.

I see another 1.9 MILLION out the door!

At midnight my buddy:* went to get water and he was ankle deep in water? Mabey he was balls deep and Carlson was grabing his own ankles!

This is why some people should be casterated at birth.
LAST EDITED ON May-12-11 AT 12:56PM (MST)[p]Why did the two Einstein's move downstream after the water began to rise on that second night. Hint, hint. They should have quickly discerned the possibility of more water coming their way and immediately moved to higher ground. What more warning did they need? Some people are simply clueless and unfortunately dangerous to themselves and to others.

The problem here is, these are the same type of "nature fakers" that get dumb azz rules and regulations forced onto the rest of us.

Common sense is gone!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Forgot a couple of signs obviously...


I wonder if he lost his tooth while running around in his underwear??? You can't fool a sufficiantly talented fool!!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
I think I found that dude's marijuana stash along the Green when I was fishing it once when I was 15.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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