More Kids


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So the weather has finally broken and we have had two 80 degree days in a row.

My neice decides to dig out the kiddie pool and let her 2 year old splash around in the sunshine.

She blows it up and starts filling it with water. The kid gets all excited and runs in the house for what his mom thinks is a towel or his trunks.

He comes back in a minute or so, with .....his mini lawn chair and his Batman fishing pole.......My kind of kid!
Ha ha! Train them up right!

When my little girl was in kindergarten they were looking at pictures of some deer and she said "too bad, none of those bucks are shooters" - her teacher about fell of her chair.

Gotta love it!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That's awesome!

When I was little my mom was driving my dads truck across strawberry. I was asleep against the passenger door and woke up to my mom slamming on the brakes and swearing ending in a thud. I asked her what happened and she said she hit a deer. I shot up and turned around to look yelling "did it have any horns?" She tells that story every chance she gets.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

My 6 year old son was at a church talent show, all the pre arranged talent was playing violins, piano, singing etc. At the end they asked if anyone else had a talent to share. My son raised his hand and walked to the stage and did his best elk call. I was not there and my wife came home all embarrassed, I expressed how proud I was of him, and he told me how all the kids came up afterwards asking him to teach them how to do it.

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