More Kalifornia BS


Long Time Member
Unfortunately, the Governor did sign AB962. This bill requires individuals purchasing ammunition be fingerprinted and registered at the time of sale, mandates that dealers keep these records and make them available for inspection by the California Department of Justice. Ammunition retailers would also have to store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers. Finally, mail order ammunition sales are prohibited under AB962. Over twenty years ago, Congress abolished similar requirements because ammunition sales records were found to be useless for solving crimes. AB962 is a dire threat to our Second Amendment rights in the Golden State.

It really wouldnt suprise me that in 10 years we have to smuggle in ammo like they did alcohol back in the 20's.....This state is going downhill fast.......


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I really feel sorry for you Kali guys outside the urban areas. Your state has some of the most beautiful and game rich country in the world-yet you are subject to the whims of the Lib urbanites. Keep the faith guys!
When does it take effect?

I guess I'll buy all my ammo when I'm out of State on a hunt.

Gee, I sure feel safer now!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
...gone and going downhill snort.

Such a travesty to see legal law abiding citizens have rights taken away one at a time while the flood gates of illegal immigration go basically unchecked. The State of California has made its bed now it is time to sleep in it.
A little more ammo, pardon the pun, I can use on my dear wife so we can get the heck out of this piece of crap state!! BH1
Sad state of affairs. I feel bad for you guys that have to live with this bs.
the problem is more and more states are looking more like california. Liberal!!

There is a saying "if guns are outlawed then only outlaws will have guns."

You can count me in as an outlaw!!


Archery is a year round commitment!!
Swartzneggar is horrible. I can't believe him. He is like a flag changing direction in the wind.

I read the bill, it keeps refering to handgun ammo. I want to see if it is expanded to all ammo.

In the language of the bill it refers to handgun ammo, over and over.

I want to know what it will do to primers and to powder.

Something tells me I won't like the answer.

In a word, California is done. It's all over. Run by folks with no idea. No idea what so ever.

Piss poor day in the history of our state.
>When does it take effect?
>I guess I'll buy all my
>ammo when I'm out of
>State on a hunt.
>Gee, I sure feel safer now!
>Know guns, know peace, know safety.
>No guns, no peace, no

It's going to take effect Feb 1st 2011


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>When does it take effect?
>I guess I'll buy all my
>ammo when I'm out of
>State on a hunt.
>Gee, I sure feel safer now!
>Know guns, know peace, know safety.
>No guns, no peace, no

Feb. of 2011 I belive so there is time to stock up. Or take a run to NV or OR when the time comes.

Here is what he had to say x(

?To the Members of the California State Assembly: I am signing Assembly Bill 962.

This measure would require vendors of handgun ammunition to keep a log of information on handgun ammunition sales, store ammunition in a safe and secure manner, and require the face to-face transfer of ammunition sales.

Although I have previously vetoed legislation similar to this measure, local governments have demonstrated that requiring ammunition vendors to keep records on ammunition sales improves public safety. These records have allowed law enforcement to arrest and prosecute persons who have no business possessing firearms and ammunition: gang members, violent parolees, second and third strikers, and even people previously serving time in state prison for murder.

Utilized properly, this type of information is invaluable for keeping communities safe and preventing dangerous felons from committing crimes with firearms.

Moreover, this type of record keeping is no more intrusive for law abiding citizens than similar laws governing pawnshops or the sale of cold medicine. Unfortunately, even the most successful
local program is flawed; without a statewide law, felons can easily skirt the record keeping requirements of one city by visiting another. Assembly Bill 962 will fix this problem by
mandating that all ammunition vendors in the state keep records on ammunition sales.

As Governor, I have sought the appropriate balance between public safety and the right to keep and bear arms. I have signed important public safety measures to regulate the sale and transfer of .50 caliber rifles, instituted the California Firearms License Check program, and promoted the use of microstamping technology in handguns. I have also vetoed many pieces of legislation that sought to place unreasonable restrictions and burdens on firearms dealers and ammunition vendors.

Assembly Bill 962 reasonably regulates access to ammunition and improves public safety without placing undue burdens on consumers. For these reasons, I am pleased to sign this bill.?

"If it moves shoot it again"

>In the language of the bill
>it refers to handgun ammo,
>over and over.
>I want to know what it
>will do to primers and
>to powder.

There are quite a few target pistols that are chambered in rifle rounds and so on. So far its only supposed to affect "handgun" ammunition. But what that anyones guess. I'm sure those aholes in Sacramento designed it that way.

As far as reloading supplies, they are not affected at the moment.

And not aimed at you but......Who here made the time to call, email, or fax their reps and or the Gov in opposition to this and the 2 other gun related bills??????????

If you did'nt.....what will it take for you to become involved and do something???? The times of a few gun owners standing up for the rest of you cannot go on.....Nothing pisses me of more than someone complaining about something they could have done something about.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Good ol Arnold! He even stated earlier this month that he was going to Veto this bill! I sure hope this doesnt open the door to other laws! California is in a world of hurt! First Stupid copper regulations and now this!
I have to agree with hardway 100 %. Any member from Ca. that failed to write or send in their "NO" vote to the Govenors office has no complaint in this matter. As for you members that are out of state and wrote or voted, thank you for the effort!!!

Even though this bill does little to effect me, I wrote a letter and also cast my disapproval vote on this. Except for my hideout .380, I have not bought any pistol ammo for the past 5 years. I reload all my ammo and even cast lead bullets for 95% of my shooting. I was more ticked off when Ca. banned lead wheel weights starting in 2010. Need to stock pile more lead over the 800 pounds I already have.

Good point RLEH, In my rant I should have also thanked everyone who DID do something. Thank you.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
They have banned all ocean fishing within 3 miles off dry land next spring for good without a public vote. See MLPA. Most fisherman do not know this. Mt. Lion hunting 24 years ago and now this. Arnie sleeps with a liberal, nancy, feinstein and boxer can all kiss my a__> 22 months, 4 days and I am heading home to Wisconsin after 28 years of this tree huggin state. My small business, jobs, boat, ammo and guns will be with me. Wisconsin, like 18 other states have passed a state ammendment making it a state right to hunt and bear arms. Hell, the whole country is going socialist. I will make sure i pack my toothbrush and will pee on the border when i leave. Enjoy the weather, it is not worth it anymore. Let the liberals support all the entitled masses and see who is left creating jobs and paying taxes.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-09 AT 01:00AM (MST)[p]C&P form another site but great stuff

Anyone want to start an ammunition company with me? I'll be producing ammunition for the following new chamberings which I have just invented. (Any similarity in name, exterior dimensions, SAAMI specifications, or compatibility with other chamberings is strictly coincidental, and such use is neither condoned nor recommended by the manufacturer.)

9x19mm Para-Rifles
.45 ACC (Automatic Colt Carbine)
.38 SP (Special Purpose)
10mm NFP (Not for Pistols)
.357 FCA (Take a guess)

After all, we have the.510 DTC(aka .50 BMG), right? What's in a name? When it comes to California firearms law, everything.

"If it moves shoot it again"


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