
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-19 AT 08:21PM (MST)[p] I Don't Know SQUAT About this?

Just Trying to Raise NVB's Blood Pressure with the Title!:D

Any Of You know anything about this?

Sounds like another Bundy Deal that could get Serious?

EDIT: I Forgot to Post the Link:

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
those little sage mice are sooooo cute....and so valuable to a thriving economy....

That's just AspenAdventures pals sticking up for us hunters against the overgrazing. He must have done a windshield EIS on the Monroe and called in his friends wWestern Watersheds.
did you even read it bess???? this case wouldn't you call it government under reach????

>did you even read it bess????
>this case wouldn't you call
>it government under reach????


I Did Read it!

Did You Read all of My Post?

I Wanted NVB to CHIME In!

And I Knew if I Used 'OVER-REACH' I'd get His Attention!:D

I Think they're a little Leary After the Bundy's Called the Militia In?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Funny how this crap always happens
>in UT...

Well RoadRunner!

It Proves one thing!

Most TARDS Ain't afraid to Fight!

And Most Are Armed Fairly Well!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>I Think they're a little Leary
>After the Bundy's Called the
>Militia In?

Why would the feds be leery of a bunch of cowardly wannabe GI Joe?s?

All they would have to do is Lavoy one of them and the rest would scurry off like the cowards they are.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-19 AT 11:25AM (MST)[p]You Utards flatter yourselves....those Bundy's we're Nevadans and LaVoy was an Arizonan killed in Oregon.....WTF??

I've never got this.

You got ranches all over the West that graze, pay their fees, make improvements, try to be good stewards.

Then you have this little bunch of deadbeats that try to disguise it in some dumbazz "USA can't own land" BS line(always wondered if the US can't own land, how did Utah get it's land?).

But come time to go to market the legit guys now have to compete with the deadbeats who didn't have near the feed cost.

Why aren't the legit guys demanding action?

Last. If the state "owns the land", yet these guys have no grazing contract with the State of Utah, are these cows not feral, and with zero legal protection?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Now don't go confusing people with rational thought Hoss!

Pointing out inconsistencies that are apparent on their face is fun, but they'll just yell louder and louder until you lose interest.
Does anyone on this site know the whole story or is everyone just accepting the one sided environmentalists group agenda driving news story.
I am not saying the rancher is right I do not know the whole story but if we are lynching the said rancher (they should just LaVoy one and all the other would scurry off like cowards) because of a liberal media story then I do believe we have lost what this country was founded on.
>Well RoadRunner!
>It Proves one thing!
>Most TARDS Ain't afraid to Fight!
>And Most Are Armed Fairly Well!
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Well ElkAssassin!

Thanks for letting me know "Tards" take a don't tread on me stance!

Never would've thought!

Not like other states have like minded fools!

They just don't brag about it!

By the way - takes extra effort to end every sentence with an ! instead of a . Just so you know...
>Does anyone on this site know
>the whole story or is
>everyone just accepting the one
>sided environmentalists group agenda driving
>news story.
>I am not saying the rancher
>is right I do not
>know the whole story but
>if we are lynching the
>said rancher (they should just
>LaVoy one and all the
>other would scurry off like
>cowards) because of a liberal
>media story then I do
>believe we have lost what
>this country was founded on.

When did ksl become liberal?

The country was founded on deadbeats leaching off their fellow citizens? Not sure I read that in history class. I have read the history of the West and it's chuck full of ranchers who just decide they are bigger than the laws of the land.

But like I said earlier. WTF is wrong with the cattlemens association? I guess the ranchers who pay their fees and abide by their leases are just fools?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>Does anyone on this site know
>the whole story or is
>everyone just accepting the one
>sided environmentalists group agenda driving
>news story.
>I am not saying the rancher
>is right I do not
>know the whole story but
>if we are lynching the
>said rancher (they should just
>LaVoy one and all the
>other would scurry off like
>cowards) because of a liberal
>media story then I do
>believe we have lost what
>this country was founded on.

You saw how the Oregon standoff ended, right?

If not, let me know I'll give you the recap.
Lahey I believe we all know what happened in Oregon and it ended in a sad situation should have never ended the way it did but I do not know what Oregon has too do with this story.

There is some false info giving in this story so yes I do consider KSL liberal with an agenda it is not always about what the station managment stands for more often than not it is the liberal reporters and there own personal agenda.
hoss you think anyone right of Elizabeth Warren is conservative.
So misinformation by the media means automatically they are liberal? Got it.

Fox News is a pretty liberal news station! Along with every other news station, news paper, online news agency in the world.
>Lahey I believe we all know
>what happened in Oregon and
>it ended in a sad
>situation should have never ended
>the way it did but
>I do not know what
>Oregon has too do with
>this story.

Whiney cattle ranchers calling in a militias.
>>Lahey I believe we all know
>>what happened in Oregon and
>>it ended in a sad
>>situation should have never ended
>>the way it did but
>>I do not know what
>>Oregon has too do with
>>this story.
>Whiney cattle ranchers calling in a

Yep, planning to have their wives and kids get shot first.

The Blaze, the conservative news site affiliated with Glenn Beck,?flagged?the comments made Monday by Richard Mack, identified as a former Arizona sheriff who had joined more than 1,000 other protesters alongside Cliven Bundy, who has been feuding with BLM over his use of federal land to graze his cattle.

?We were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front,? Mack said in a Fox News clip pulled by The Blaze. ?If they are going to start shooting, it's going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers.?


Mr. Mack?told radio host Ben Swann on Monday that he believes women should be ?the first ones shot? in order to send the most effective message.

?I would have put my own wife or daughters there, and I would have been screaming bloody murder to watch them die,??he said. ?I would?ve gone next, I would have been the next one to be killed. I'm not afraid to die here. I'm willing to die here.?

Maybe they'd hold up their Pocket Constitutions and command the bullets to pass them by.
Grizz that is some awful stuff there and if a group did that very thing I do not care how much they are in the right with there stance I would consider them to be the lowest of the low.
I agree if these ranchers are doing what was reported they should be held responsible but my whole problem with the story is the info only comes from a pretty strong environmental group that is not even from around central Utah. No part of that story did they try and have any response from the county sheriff's department or some of the cattle ranchers of the area the reporter could not even get a response from the forest service how many times do you think the reporter even tried. I know the forest service office is open 5 days a week from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon and that reporter could not catch them for a response, I do not beleive that at all.
I did a quick research and found the only story's I could find that reporter has did are environmentalists story's. Does that make that reporter bad NO but when that reporter does not even give a honest effort in doing a complete story I tend to think that reporter might have an agenda. It might not be that the reporter is environmentalist it just might be the reporter thinks they might get better ratings but a reporter does not do such a incomplete story as that and you can call it honest reporting. There is a reason Fox news channel has been number 1 news channel for ratings for like 10 years now.
I also talked to a guy that has some really close ties to this group of ranchers down in Piute county and after talking to him I will probably tend to belive some of the story about the these ranchers thinking they are above the law.
But to say they should be Lavoyd just because they are ranchers that is not right.
Notdon, do you have a problem with reading comprehension?

Go back and read Bessy's and my comments. Were talking about militia, no one ever once mentioned ranchers getting Lavoyed except you.

Here I'll dumb it down for you. What I meant by my comment was if a bunch of militia members show up in their GI Joe gear, with their AR's and talking all tough how they're going to shoot it out with the feds, all the feds would have to do is Lavoy one of them and the rest would go running off like cowards, just like what happened in Oregon. As soon as the chit got real, the militia tucked tail and ran. Except in Oregon unfortunately, it was Lavoy who got Lavoyed and not some tough talking puzzy militia member or a Bundy.
Lehay I will quote from you.
"Whiney cattle ranchers calling in a militias".
Yes you are talking about ranchers and militia.
This whole thread is about ranchers thinking they are above the law that is what I am going off of.

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