More free press coverage for Peay, and SFW/BGF

Brian, just a reminder thought that no conservation or convention monies could be used for this transplant as a condition of issuing the COR. I personally look forward to results as the snow melts and these deer begin to disperse to spring and summer ranges. It will be very telling if their travels imprint on them enough for them to return to the release site on the current winter range.

Whoever the jackwagon is that shot a collared deer.....I have no words for your stupidity.

"There is no reason why I have to tolerate your stupidity if you are unwilling to tolerate mine." ME
Agreed Founder, that is a great project. SFW has many other great projects as well. I honestly wish there was more money for burning and chaining.

I still ultimately agree with Wharton though on this one. Let a different group step up and take the reins.


PS. Tristate, please be an adult and respect my wishes that you do not respond to any of my posts. I, in turn, will do you the courtesy of not responding to any of yours. I simply do not wish to converse with you.
Ya, that's crappy that someone shot one of those deer.

So where's the money coming from to pay for this transplant?

The SFW website says, "This historic project is a joint effort between the Utah Division of Wildlife, BYU, and Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife." and ..... "SFW will donate over $240,000 over the next three years to help fund the study, which if successful, could change the way biologists manage similiar issues and herds."

Brian Latturner
"How long before the people in Utah demand accountability."

Why demand accountability? Looks like this reporter has all the figures. They know when and how much and to who money travels between. What else needs to be known. Has RMEF ever given money to a state game agency? Have they ever donated for lobbying? Its funny how it makes SFW look like they are the first conservation organization doing this. Every single politician you ever cast a vote for took money from someone. Every single bill you ever wanted passed was funded with someones money, maybe even yours. What is this aversion to money????? Your entire republic stands on money and somehow you think wildlife must be different?
Why is it that anything that is said about SFW is always sluffed off in one of your BS posts?!!!
>Ya, that's crappy that someone shot
>one of those deer.
>So where's the money coming from
>to pay for this transplant?
>The SFW website says, "This historic
>project is a joint effort
>between the Utah Division of
>Wildlife, BYU, and Sportsmen for
>Fish and Wildlife."
and .....
>"SFW will donate over $240,000
>over the next three years
>to help fund the study,
>which if successful, could change
>the way biologists manage similiar
>issues and herds."

>Brian Latturner

I believe someone suggested the bulk of the money comes out of their general fund. Their banquets don't solely rely on public interest tags to generate project and operating money. They are an incentive to attend but not the whole egg. Some chapters raise tens of thousands of dollars not to mention some of the "holdings" of the orgs in the article are fluid.

This is a great project on a unit were I personally spend almost all of my time hunting, camping, and fishing. I supported not only the translocation experiment (mostly to remove deer and improve cooperation between conservation groups) but I also supported the doe hunt on this range because it is in atrophy and is over utilized by wildlife and livestock. The BLM did their job and have all but removed grazing from this winter range, now its our turn to remove mouths and if not by bullet, at least those deer sacrificed will hopefully yield some beneficial research.

"There is no reason why I have to tolerate your stupidity if you are unwilling to tolerate mine." ME
>Why is it that anything that
>is said about SFW is
>always sluffed off in one
>of your BS posts?!!!

TOP, why bother asking. Nothing that dude has to say is anything other than incendiary. I think its become clear most of us will just ignore him no matter what he posts. I certainly won't respond anymore to the child.

"There is no reason why I have to tolerate your stupidity if you are unwilling to tolerate mine." ME
"TOP, why bother asking. Nothing that dude has to say is anything other than incendiary."

The thread is "incendiary". It is a link to an article that obviously, and you can't argue this, is an attack on certian people. Do you deny this? Then there is a link to another thread on another forum where another member here does absolutley nothing but bash SFW while he maintains a seet at another conservation group, RMEF, that is clearly in fiscal competition with SFW. I am the one person that notices this is nothing but a public attack on someone else with very little basis BUT I AM " INCENDIARY.

I don't expect you to respond to someone who tells you when you are full of it. That is what most con artists do. They run away. Your fight is a con. And you have no credibility. Run away boy.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-13 AT 03:23PM (MST)[p]If you think RMEF is working in the same manner please post the evidence.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
"If you think RMEF is working in the same manner please post the evidence."

I asked a question. I made no claims. Haven't people stated the words "trust but verify" here? You don't understand that I am actually a member of RMEF and I support them. So now lets see if any of you SFW haters can find out if RMEF has ever done the same things that yall are so angry about in this article. Why would it not be as important to find out over there as what you have found out about SFW?
Founder, I think its a good project too. HOWEVER, I believe the article was pointing out how twisted their financials are. Founder you run this site, bet you would love the STATE to give you everything you need to run it, pay you to do it and then let you keep 40% of the profits. The company I work for would be glad to scratch a check every so often if the state would give them product to sell and then let them keep the profits. The problem with SFW isn't the everyday members and all the good they do, its with the officers and their financials. You just have to look at how they float money around and how many "sister" companies they have to move through. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, look at how circlualr the path is from where the money comes and to where it goes.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
I propose a new name for that dude: ThreadKilla.

Good to see fewer of us wasting time quoting or responding. I will buy a round when an "ignore this member" button appears so do not even have to skip over the posts.
>I propose a new name for
>that dude: ThreadKilla.
>Good to see fewer of us
>wasting time quoting or responding.
>I will buy a round
>when an "ignore this member"
>button appears so do not
>even have to skip over
>the posts.

I have some other names but don't want to be banned myself or to get a thread deleted...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
I think it is interesting how SFW is blasted for the conservation tag money and how that is what keeps SFW a float. It isn't but what they do get they earn through the auctions. Takes a bit to draw people to buy the tags. Now if you want to continue to blast SFW for the conservation tags that they receive which includes tags auctioned at the expo, then make sure you include those other groups that do the same thing. There are other groups that do the same thing but then they are not condemned for doing it. It is interesting of all the hate that goes on against SFW. Keep trying, they are weathering the storm pretty good. In fact, they are growing from it.
>I think it is interesting how
>SFW is blasted for the
>conservation tag money and how
>that is what keeps SFW
>a float. It isn't
>but what they do get
>they earn through the auctions.
> Takes a bit to
>draw people to buy the
>tags. Now if you
>want to continue to blast
>SFW for the conservation tags
>that they receive which includes
>tags auctioned at the expo,
>then make sure you include
>those other groups that do
>the same thing. There
>are other groups that do
>the same thing but then
>they are not condemned for
>doing it. It is
>interesting of all the hate
>that goes on against SFW.
> Keep trying, they
>are weathering the storm pretty
>good. In fact, they
>are growing from it.


Its not the group as a whole. Its lousy leadership that won't be transparent. The other groups make available to ANYONE their financials associated with the tags. That is the very heart of the issue here. I believe its time for SFW to reform its leadership and actually move in a better direction. Its likely solid enough to withstand loosing those tags, but that's not going to happen. This age old debate and bitterness would end if the public trust they are given was 100 percent accounted for and transparent like RMEF and DU. I haven't met a single supporter of SFW I dislike as a person. But when they start with the defense of their support without anyone being critical to begin with, its evident that they won't listen to anyone else but Dear Leader Don. That is the problem as I see it anyway, and I'd gladly chip in to SFW as well, as soon as I know my dollars never hit Don, Byron, Ryan or any other shady leader's pocket but instead will truly hit the ground. IMHO!

Thanks again for being willing to answer some questions that other folks refuse to answer.

"There is no reason why I have to tolerate your stupidity if you are unwilling to tolerate mine." ME
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-13 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]"Its not the group as a whole. Its lousy leadership that won't be transparent. The other groups make available to ANYONE their financials associated with the tags."

On the other anti-Peay thread a person was finaly nice enough to post links to the financials for RMEF and DU. They are nothing but anual profit/loss reports. They don't tell you where the money went and whose hands it is in now. Plus we have people now that want to know everybodies payroll information that is associated or employed by SFW. Nobody screams for RMEF or DU to do that. Now someone is saying people get passed "money under the table". No financial statement will prove or disprove that. The other thing that I find amusing is the article in the newspaper which gave specific dollar amounts thaat were passed back and forth between Peay and other people. It is highly likely if SFW cooperated and gave you financials under the format of RMEF and DU you couldn't even see those specific transactions. The simple fact is this is a witch hunt. I understand if you don't want to give money to PEay or SFW. I am a firm believer in voting with your dollar but character assasination isn't going to get you any closer to solving any of the real problems that face both you and SFW.
that great reporting in the sl trib almost had me convinced until he mentioned "wanton killing of coyotes" and no real threat from wolves . hows wyoming,idaho and montana doing with their wolfs?
>wyoming,idaho and montana doing with
>their wolfs?

We're doing better now that BGF/SFW has their slimy paws out of our business. Thanks for asking.
>that great reporting in the sl
>trib almost had me convinced
>until he mentioned "wanton killing
>of coyotes" and no real
>threat from wolves . hows
>wyoming,idaho and montana doing with
>their wolfs?

Thanks to Simpson/Tester AND the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation members such as SCI and RMEF, they are now hunting and managing wolves at the state level in those states. Don and Ryan (BGF) opposed this bill and were on the wrong side of the lawsuit which is where they have led their groups over the last ten years (BGF being a fledgling group but still Dear Leader Don's baby). It wasn't BGF, Don, or Ryan that accomplished ANYTHING in the wolf fight. For your reading pleasure:

Big Game Forever says its in the fight:

Which would be great BUT:

Oopsie, time to come clean:

Then time to admit to its real intentions:

Oh, and then there was THIS:–-in-congress-and-beyond/

That goes with THIS:




Its not SFW, its the lousy leadership. Time for a disassociation with Dear Leader Don and the current people in charge of the org and time for honest, open, and more common sense and relatable folks to take it to the next level. IMHO!

"There is no reason why I have to tolerate your stupidity if you are unwilling to tolerate mine." ME
you're even doing better after BGF/SFW sued the Montana game commission that illegally closed wolf hunting in some units this winter because they were scared of bad press from hunters killing a few wolves. Good thing the judge agreed and reopened the hunts and the commission back tracked. But i'm sure RMEF was ready and willing to file that suit if BGF and SFW didn't.
>>wyoming,idaho and montana doing with
>>their wolfs?
>We're doing better now that BGF/SFW
>has their slimy paws out
>of our business. Thanks for

so the wolfs had no IMPACT on your HUNTING ? just saying we don't want them in Utah!! nothing like closing the barn door after the wolfs are out!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-13 AT 12:42PM (MST)[p]I think many of these organizations start out with solid goals and good intentions, and than money is added to the equation. The result is usually the same: corruption and no accountability.
>so the wolfs had no IMPACT
>on your HUNTING ? just
>saying we don't want them
>in Utah!! nothing like closing
>the barn door after the
>wolfs are out!

We didn't want them in Montana either but what we wanted didn't matter. It isn't like the State of Montana was the lead in reestablishing a wolf population in Yellowstone.

SFW/BGF were a bigger obstacle to wolf delisting for MT and ID then was congress. I give them credit they are shameless in taking credit for things they tried to stop. The people who worked on this know the truth.


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