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Here is another for you sheep freaks, about like myself! Is he a shooter?

Thanks for sharing the photo! Sorry, I am not a sheep freak, so I do not know if he is a shooter?
Tight curl, sh*tty Western AZ midget genes, but a nice older ram. Just like any other sheep tag, him being a shooter all depends on what you scout. Here is one with the right genes he just needs some age.


Bret M.
Definately looks like an older ram, therefore a shooter, but depends on what the unit gene pool looks like.
Here is the younger ram that was with him. I know that older ram is not a shooter. No length but nice full mass.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-07 AT 09:23AM (MST)[p]It really is amazing to me how the veiw will change from what angle you look. For example spotting scope pic is taken from above- the drop looks HUGE. But it looks like the ram is only 28" long. If your looking up, a ram looks to have less drop but it looks to roll up higher. The spotting scope ram looks to be about 7 yrs or so. Possibly grow about another 4 inches of lenght per side? This last ram looks to 5 yrs old, with good potential.
Nice pictures. In most of the Nevada areas I am familiar with, the top ram would not be a shooter. Too tight of a curl with not enough length. As far as drop, the picture angle doesn't throw it off that much. Just use the ram's face as a judge of curl drop. The top ram only drops to his nose. He is pretty old (I say at least 9) and has reached his prime. He might make to low to mid 150's. The ram in the spotting scope pic has a lot of potential as he is younger and still has some growing to do. You can see that his horns drop down to his jaw line, right where a big ram should.

I have an Arizona sheep tag for this year, but its not in the unit that you have been looking in. Looks like you have been finding some sheep. I would like to talk sheep with you if you have some time. Would you E-mail me at [email protected] and give me a number to contact you. Thanks, Mark

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