More Ca. Pigs


Active Member

Here's a couple pigs I caught in the Vineyard after 1st light
Nice looking load for the freezer there but i'm wondering what's up with the spotted pigs from Cali posted lately. I'm no Pig expert but those look more like Texas pigs. The ones i've taken here in Northern Cali and the ones i've seen look more the Russian Boar, long, black, and ugly! :)

Is someone mixing in domestic's to increase the herds for more hunting purpose?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Sage, I have seen lots of wild pigs. They come in all sizes in colors. I have seen litters with some piglets with stripes of a ferrel and others with the white band of a hampshire.

Here in NM it is same as CA.
NMPaul, being you saw fit to correct me, i feel no obligation to be civil and not correct you. I was speaking of the pigs we and i see in Northern Ca. My best friend and hunting Pard worked for our Calif Fish and Game dept. as a Pig eradicator. At one of his assignments, he killed 10 THOUSAND pigs, that's 10,000, during a ten year period. Very few were spotted pigs, colored, or striped and i myself having seen many hundreds, have yet to see one in the wild. Thus my Question to the OP.

Go ahead and correct me again if you choose but i disagree that the Northern calif hogs are generally similar to the more domestic looking pigs that may be more common in our southern portion of our state, that i don't know, or that you refer to in NM and certainly Texas.

They are certainly NOT THE SAME!!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Paul failed to mention that he lived in California for a very long time and has killed a lot of pigs, including a couple with me. I've guided hundreds of hunters to hundreds of pigs and nearly everyone has a unique coloration, but some more then others. I've seen pigs that are blonde, brown, red, striped, polka-dot, black with large white stripe and so forth. Here's a few photos that didn't take much time to find on my computer. I've got lots more too.




BTW Joey, all feral pigs in CA are decedents of domestic pigs. The amount of "Russian boar" blood has been so diluted since those first releases in CA nearly 100 years ago that I wonder if they could even find any DNA linking the two.

Give Paul a break he was simply stating his personal observations from the many pigs he's killed.
Bwht4x4, Interesting post. Where, what part of the state, were these pigs taken?

It is well known fact that some who were interested in having paying clients, let loose domestic pigs and sold them to unknowing hunters as wild Boar. Many of those "pigs" were never taken and yes, i can believe that they have diluted the strain. Where i am from, the Russian strain is still very strong and prevalent and certainly not the colored mix one often see elsewhere. Again, thus my question to the OP.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-12 AT 00:25AM (MST)[p]+1 4x4. I have seen some very unique looking pigs and also all black pigs. Living in the area where many of the Russian boars were originally brought in and escaped there is definitely a strong line still. One thing is the tusks are large and usually solid not hollow. This is in central CA.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-12 AT 00:42AM (MST)[p]Ca805, Thanks! Interesting that you mentioned solid tusks. I claimed up front to not be a pig expert but we have them on our family ranch near Livermore and my friend has many more on his large spread near mt Hamilton west of Modesto. I only took one real trophy Boar up on his place and though a truer looking Boar would be hard to find, one of his tusks came to pieces, some years later, in the bleached skull mount that i did myself. I had many opportunities at these free ranging hogs yet they were just not my thing and the occational one for the table was always welcome.

I have no doubt that there are some spotted sorts around. I just claimed that that's not what i have seen and am wondering why i'm seeing more here lately.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
>NMPaul, being you saw fit to
>correct me, i feel no
>obligation to be civil and
>not correct you. I was
>speaking of the pigs we
>and i see in Northern
>Ca. My best friend and
>hunting Pard worked for our
>Calif Fish and Game dept.
>as a Pig eradicator. At
>one of his assignments, he
>killed 10 THOUSAND pigs, that's
>10,000, during a ten year
>period. Very few were spotted
>pigs, colored, or striped and
>i myself having seen many
>hundreds, have yet to see
>one in the wild. Thus
>my Question to the OP.
>Go ahead and correct me again
>if you choose but i
>disagree that the Northern calif
>hogs are generally similar to
>the more domestic looking pigs
>that may be more common
>in our southern portion of
>our state, that i don't
>know, or that you refer
>to in NM and certainly
>They are certainly NOT THE SAME!!!
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"

Joey, it is unfortunate you took it as me correcting you. It wasn't meant that way. No offense was intended.

In the same way do not take this as an apology. I do not apologize when I do not believe I did anything wrong.

No harm no foul, lets move on.

Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
On my ranch west of williams they are very Russian. That said once in a while we will have a wad come through with some brown, but we have never seen a pig with white or brown spots. I have been looking for a big one one that has left mud rubs 46 inches high! I won't believe it until it is on the ground.
>NMPaul, being you saw fit to
>correct me, i feel no
>obligation to be civil and
>not correct you. I was
>speaking of the pigs we
>and i see in Northern
>Ca. My best friend and
>hunting Pard worked for our
>Calif Fish and Game dept.
>as a Pig eradicator. At
>one of his assignments, he
>killed 10 THOUSAND pigs, that's
>10,000, during a ten year
>period. Very few were spotted
>pigs, colored, or striped and
>i myself having seen many
>hundreds, have yet to see
>one in the wild. Thus
>my Question to the OP.
>Go ahead and correct me again
>if you choose but i
>disagree that the Northern calif
>hogs are generally similar to
>the more domestic looking pigs
>that may be more common
>in our southern portion of
>our state, that i don't
>know, or that you refer
>to in NM and certainly
>They are certainly NOT THE SAME!!!
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"
Jeezus, take your pills!
Blueoak, Thank You as well!

During the winter when the snows are piled high around here and very little business, I watch a lot of outdoor programming, probably too much. What i have seen from many "other" states especially Texas, is nothing like the pigs that i've seen. NMPaul "informed" me that they are all the same and his friend says there is no Russian strain left. They are not and yes there is but from past contact, NMPaul will argue the point until one can't remember what the point is so i'm done with it. I didn't insult the OP. Just asked a simple question.

I've seen those guys in Texas shoot Hampshire that looked to be a week out of the county fairground being called wild boars...gimme a freaking break! That can happen here too but as far as i know, our strains are reproducing enough naturally that the local guides and outfitters don't have to mix in domestic stock to have huntable numbers enough to insure their clients all harvest their pig.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
>Blueoak, Thank You as well!
>During the winter when the snows
>are piled high around here
>and very little business, I
>watch a lot of outdoor
>programming, probably too much. What
>i have seen from many
>"other" states especially Texas, is
>nothing like the pigs that
>i've seen. NMPaul "informed" me
>that they are all the
>same and his friend says
>there is no Russian strain
>left. They are not and
>yes there is but from
>past contact, NMPaul will argue
>the point until one can't
>remember what the point is
>so i'm done with it.
>I didn't insult the OP.
>Just asked a simple question.
>I've seen those guys in Texas
>shoot Hampshire that looked to
>be a week out of
>the county fairground being called
>wild boars...gimme a freaking break!
>That can happen here too
>but as far as i
>know, our strains are reproducing
>enough naturally that the local
>guides and outfitters don't have
>to mix in domestic stock
>to have huntable numbers enough
>to insure their clients all
>harvest their pig.

Joey, I dont have a clue what your malfunction is. It is pretty obvious from my 2nd post I did not want to get into it with you.

Your first post to me was just weird and your second one is even weirder.

Do you have me mixed up with some one else? Because I have no idea why you got a hard on for me. You and I have had a couple civil discussions in the past and even exchanged PMs at one point. We have never exchanged a cross word.

Not that I feel like arguing pigs with you, but, where did I say they were all the same? I said from my observation they were all different.

Go back and read the posts for crissakes.
NMP, No malfunction here. No, it's you i'm addressing, no mistake.

You said in you response to my question to the OP, "I have seen litters with some piglets with stripes of a ferrel and others with the white band of a hampshire...Here in NM it is "same" as CA."

Sorry but they are not all the same here as it is in NM... or Texas and also, they are not all different! You were wrong and your buddy is too. There is a strain here in N.Cal that is mostly all black and of the original Russian strain. That's what i have hunted, that's what i have killed, so that's why i asked the OP. Why do you have such a problem with that?

You can't even remember what you posted and you want me to go back and read the posts?...too funny!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
You will see some outfitters in the business of selling hog hunts cut a lot of hogs to grow them to trophy size weights (and cutters), but we're in the business of killing all of them that we see to keep them out of fields. Back in the day folks would run their hogs on timber company land in our area (which unfortunately helped their population explosion) so we see a lot of different traits come out in litters. Sometimes one will come through that looks Russian, sometimes you'll get a bluebutt, duroc or the occasional hamp. Then you get the ones that aren't sure what they are. But I do agree, some of the mess they put on TV is a complete joke. Want to see a lot of pics of the norm google 'Wolf Outdoors Hog contest" it's a local tournament and they generally will post pictures to their store website of hogs being brought in.

>Blueoak, Thank You as well!
>During the winter when the snows
>are piled high around here
>and very little business, I
>watch a lot of outdoor
>programming, probably too much. What
>i have seen from many
>"other" states especially Texas, is
>nothing like the pigs that
>i've seen. NMPaul "informed" me
>that they are all the
>same and his friend says
>there is no Russian strain
>left. They are not and
>yes there is but from
>past contact, NMPaul will argue
>the point until one can't
>remember what the point is
>so i'm done with it.
>I didn't insult the OP.
>Just asked a simple question.
>I've seen those guys in Texas
>shoot Hampshire that looked to
>be a week out of
>the county fairground being called
>wild boars...gimme a freaking break!
>That can happen here too
>but as far as i
>know, our strains are reproducing
>enough naturally that the local
>guides and outfitters don't have
>to mix in domestic stock
>to have huntable numbers enough
>to insure their clients all
>harvest their pig.
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"

The above post was written with all due respect....
When I opened this thread to look at the hogs I knew nothing about wild hogs. And I still know nothing and I'm not afraid to admit it. And if I did know something about hogs I'd keep it to myself. ;-)
4x4, You didn't help much by saying, "Joey, all feral pigs in CA are decedents of domestic pigs. The amount of "Russian boar" blood has been so diluted since those first releases in CA nearly 100 years ago that I wonder if they could even find any DNA linking the two."

They are not "all" descendents of domestic unless you consider the Russian strain domestic. And, there is, as i stated in my opening question to the OP, Russian boar blood prevalent in several parts of N Cali including where i had hunted and taken them myself.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Sage seems to be a bit of an a$$ to me in his tone so I won't feel compelled to be civil.

I hunt a ranch regularly in central ca, near Salinas, and while some pigs are black, at least 50% are various colors and patterns including spots and stripes.

My first experience with pigs was north of your ranch in NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, near Napa, and out of a herd of 30 hogs at least a third were striped or colored, including one dark red.

You are simply wrong if you contend that NO Cal has only or even a vast majority of pure strain russian black boars. There is not enough biologic or geographic isolatation from the rest of the coast of california to have a seperate herd.

So watch your tone and stop being such a jerk...


What I should have said was...The feral pigs we have in CA are mainly derived from domestic pigs. However, some introductions of European wild boar occurred in the past and likely still some illegal releases today are and will continue to add a very small amount of European wild boar DNA to the CA feral pig population. I think it's so negligible that it's not even worth talking about.

Good luck to you. Winter is over and it's time to leave your Westwood cabin and go out and play. Have a good summer.

Hey BPK, Is someone out there calling you a liar? Well kiss and lick my crotch if you don't like my tone when i am defending my word! I have spoken to NMPaul through pm's and we have worked out why and where this went wrong. As for your butting in, i could care less where and how much you hunt if you are saying that i'm wrong or FOS! Good on you getting those pigs!

Read Bluoaks post if you don't believe me! Again, i only spoke of what i, me, myself, was used to seeing and even that was a good while ago!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
4x4, did you read Bluoaks post above. The guy is a long time poster and square shooter and i see no reason for him to be wrong as well. That's just one ranch in a huge area that the pigs at least appear to be completely black dominate.

Winter hasn't been near as bad or as long as ones in the past. I do need to get out fishing though, that can always help! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
What would it take to bring over 4 guys on a Pig hunt for a few days. We can take care of our own food and lodging. Itd be nice to have an in on some land that has pigs for a small fee. We can hunt on our own. Thanks for any good ideas. If it's reasonable we could probably do something this spring.
Prism, This thread was from the Cali Forum a couple years ago but some contacts, especially #5, BommerB's suggestion.

There was also a guy offering self guided hunts north of the bay area, weekend trips, access, camp on the property, very reasonable but i couldn't find that thread.

Good luck if you book a hunt. They can be fun!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Joey sometimes you are nuttier than squirrel chit..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Oh Joey I would be happy to kick you in the crotch, just tell me when and where.

You just can't handle having someone treat you like you treat others..."NMPaul, being you saw fit to correct me, i feel no obligation to be civil...."

No issues with your first post, but NMPaul never called you out, all he did was state his opinion and you went off like he challenged you to a duel.

So, if you don't like my post and the way it pointed you out then next time be civil and others will too! Nothing wrong with opinions or agreeing to disagree, but that isn't what you did.

If you want to really be personal, then I will be in Salinas this summer hog hunting, come on down and we can chat in person.
What I have learned from this thread:
1. Some places in CA have mainly black pigs.
2. Some places in CA have various color pigs including white spots/stripes.

What I can reasonably assume by myself:
1. The OP shot some pigs in CA (not texas) in area that has the color variations.

My favorite part of this thread:
Post number one, Great picture, thanks for sharing and keep at it.
The mere reference to the word "liar" in the thread should warn everyone that someone is being "pigheaded"...........again.

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
Leave it to nickman to always drop in a thread that i get involved in to spread his trash talk...again!

NMPaul and i have come to a agreement of sorts and no hard feelings. He didn't say exactly the way he meant to and i read his comment as contrary to my opening post when that was not his intention. No harm, no foul. The rest of you might as well go home, good show for you while it lasted,some of you were complaining how it was getting kinda boring around here anyway. :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
",some of you were complaining how it was getting kinda boring around here anyway. "

Valid point there. lol
I've hunted hogs in Ca for over 30 years, did some depredations too prior to Seavers getting many of the contracts. I've hunted hog on the coast near Gualala, in Tehama county,Orland, Napa,Sonoma, just south of Berryessa, mt Diablo, near mt hamilton,S of Patterson, Santa cruz, Watsonville, monterrey,coalinga, hollister, and a few other areas I'm sure I'm forgetting. For those not familiar with Ca, I've hunted the bulk of the state except the extreme far north and south.

Very rare NOT to see some spotted ones in most all of those areas. It used to be (many years ago) on the north coast you would hardly see a spotted one in Healdsburg, Gualala and a bit further north but not anymore. And no such thing as pure Russian strain anymore in Ca either. Think about it, those sows can have 3 litters a year, breeding everything in sight! Move over Lindsey Lohan, no way to keep a clear bloodline with that going on.

Heck even the Tahitian strain on the Hawaiian islands and the pigs in Australian Northern territories had some spotted ones( very few) though both of those places have a more consistent strain than here in Ca.

So.....Probably not much chance now of getting an invite to bow hunt this vineyard nearby......

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