Moosie, Do You Still Prosper?


Very Active Member

I remembered this post from last year and wondered if you were still involved and what the impact of the credit crunch has been.

Quote from the archived thread:
"So, I mentioned in a post about a month ago that I started dabbling in investing online. "

If anyone can do well at this it is Ponzi, I mean Moosie. :)
He sold Hunttalk, so he is so rich now that he will never come down to our level ever again....Except to gloat as he smokes a cigar and drinks Cognac in Africa to gloat.
You are right, I don't get on here much, but mostly because most of you are A-holes, it has nothing to do with being rich or poor :)

To answer the initial question, Prosper was closed due to the way they were handling the money. I'm not sure all the ins and outs but I know there was/is several Hundred million still in the game. They are paying out still but no new Re0investments. ALL investments were 36 months so I have 24 months left on a few....if they last that long.

The cool thing is I funneled some help to some Friends and got them funded on some projects. Non of them have defaulted and Only investing part saved me cashflow in the game.

I'm sucking hind tit to be honest over all. I sunk in several thousand and tried to do silly investments like having one on each day of the month type of deal. I figured worst case I'd loose $50 here and $50 there but some of the other ones would make up for it. Needless to say, I have a portfolio that is a little Crappy. The upside is, as crappy as it get's, it won't look close to as bad as anyones 401-K :) :)

If I could only see the future (I.E. "today") I would have doubled all my money by folding it in half and putting it in my pocket. As it sits, I wroe out some Big checks for several Realestate deals and didn't do any cash reserves so.... Well, YAh, I'm one of them that is playing the fiddle. Don't worry about me though. I'm like a Ball and will bounce back.....Uhhhh.. someday, jsut not in the near future.

As far as Hunttalk... yah, I sold it. But for more reasons then money. SO, technically I'm a Free bird, but don't expect me to visit here too much. PLEASE SEE 1st reason above !!!

Africa and Conac ? Well, YAh, I'm still hunting alot, but I don't drink. I'm screwed up enough before I put Alchohol in me...

My schedule this year would kill the Average hunter (YAh, I still love that quote). Last year wasn't bad with Africa but I did it mostly on the Cheap, well... except for the G0raff that I'll have close to 12k into before I'm done with it *Insert Guy Smashing his head here*

I did jsut get back From a AZ Javalina Hunt and a New Mexico Orxy hunt. But I don't want to Gloat, It's not my style. But I do like posting pics :


IDBugler went with me. Here is a Picture of him Glassing some Animals. MAn we had a good time ...



Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !! looks like ol' bugler has a cactus growing out of his belly button...hmmmm.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I didn't notice that..... Come to think about it, There is a Cactus in this picture too !!



Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
RFLMAO!!! Classic Moosie!! Glad to see you are still alive and kicking! Congrats on you Oryx hunt....maybe one of these days I'll draw that tag.
You go back into the closet Moosie? Where'd the pink slippers go?

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