Moose Unit 25 quaility?

I hunted in 25 in 2011 with Terry Pollard - Bald Mountain Outfitters. We hunted the Green River bottoms. I killed a heavy 39 incher the 4th day. The first nite I passed on one that was well into the 40's but real spindly. I saw 3 or 4 bulls per day. The one I killed was the biggest. There were 3 other guys in camp. All were succesful. One was bigger than mine - a dandy 46 incher and 2 were smaller. One around 37 and one around 30. Good area. Lots of moose but all on private. Good Luck. Chip
Thanks for the information. So it sounds like all of the moose are on private land?

>I hunted in 25 in 2011
>with Terry Pollard - Bald
>Mountain Outfitters. We hunted the
>Green River bottoms. I killed
>a heavy 39 incher the
>4th day. The first nite
>I passed on one that
>was well into the 40's
>but real spindly. I saw
>3 or 4 bulls per
>day. The one I killed
>was the biggest. There were
>3 other guys in camp.
>All were succesful. One was
>bigger than mine - a
>dandy 46 incher and 2
>were smaller. One around 37
>and one around 30. Good
>area. Lots of moose but
>all on private. Good Luck.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-13 AT 08:09AM (MST)[p]For what its worth, Eastmans rates it as a Blue Chip unit w/possibility of a 40 inch or better moose. Call the local biologist or game warden they may have a list of private places that'll let you on or locations of public land parcels that hold nice moose.
The unit is Antelope country except for the River (Green, New)bottoms. I didn't hunt much of the unit but a look at the map shows that almost all of the River bottom land is private. That said, I think with some legwork you could find a place to hunt - especially if you're willing to pay a tresspass fee.
Yeah I am an eastmans member... but its always nice to get some input from guys that have hunted it.... appreciate the help. I think I might look elsewhere. Might require waiting another year.

Again thanks.

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