> Everone for the suggestions, I
>guess I will just keep
>putting in and hope I
>don't get to old before
> Brian
You can't win if you don't play...so what I'm about to say is not intended to scare you off...just trying to give your question some perspective.
I'm assuminy by your handle that you are a NR....so the numbers I'm quoting below reflect NR odds. I drew my moose tag last year with 13 NR points going into the draw.
In the 2013 moose draw, nobody in your point pool drew a bull moose tag in the prefernce point draw. Two drew w/10 points. Two more drew w/11 points. Twenty-three tags w/12 points and twenty-two tags w/13 points. Max points was 18...so the rest of the bull tags went to guys with 14+ points.
Going into the 2014 NR moose draw, there are 710 people in your point pool. There are 766 w/11 points, 685 w/12 points, 606 guys w/13 points, 370 w/14 points....and another 122 w/15+ points.
If you are serious about increasing your odds in the short term, I would start applying for a low demand unit....and actually apply every year....don't just buy the points. Lots of folks buy points rather than apply....so you just might get lucky.
Good luck!