Moose Pics



LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-09 AT 06:32PM (MST)[p]

For the two guys i talked to earlier about Cache Moose.

I walked in late for my hunt last Wed evening and guess who was waiting within 100 yards of where i have seen him the times before.

not the best pics, but it'll give you an idea of whether you think he's worth it. the worst pics first.....


he was trying his best to hide----best pic of his width.

best i could come up with for his fronts....

best shot of his Palmation

note the markings on the tree---i'll be resending directions to both of you to clarify where he is.


I don't see a thread about a deer hunt yet???

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
Hang on, man, i've got a couple things to get posted and then i'll update, on my "DEER" hunt!!!!

Here's a better view of your moose. :)


If it's not the same one, they're so similar it's scary. What do you think? The guy on the right was just shot a couple miles north of where you took the picture of the one on the left during August.

More pics and some sweet video coming soon.
It's hard to tell if it's the same bull you photographed - not very good pics. I'm thinking it probably isn't. I think this bull had just moved from where tageater saw him. There were two other bulls of similar size in the area.

As far as liking people too much, this bull was in a real nasty spot high above the lake away from people. But he was also shot at just 10 yards.
They are one and the same. No doubt in my mind. Just compare-each point matches and the tine patterns match.
To be honest,I'm not sure this bull was killed miles North of where i took pictures of it....Only 2 people (that i told) know where that was, but i WILL guarantee I wasn't the only person in the world that ever saw it.

And you are sorely mistaken if you think it had my name on it or that i called it "MY BULL". I'm sorry if i gave you that impression by saying i was only telling 2 people, i just thought if i told 12 guys 6 would go in if i told 40, then 20 would go in....not to mention those (like yourselves that found him with out my mentioning where) and then the shoot out happens....i could care less who killed it.

Congrats on a good moose.


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