moose near idaho falls


Very Active Member
has anyone hunted the short range weapons hunt for moose near idaho falls. i forget the hunt number right now but its the only short range weapons hunt basically in idaho falls.

if anyone knows the area, im looking for access???? i heard you need to float the river???

numbers of moose and quality.

id like to kill one with my bow and dont really want to try to decoy with archery equiptment during rifle season. they dont have many short range weapons only seasons so im looking into this one.


Blacks-Creek Packs Dealer
i hunt whitetail on the river, there are a lot of moose and it would not be hard to kill a bull, the problem is finding a big bull on the river, i have hunted a lot of different areas and farms and you just dont see big bulls, if you dont care what size of bull and just want to shoot one with a bow then it would be a good hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-31-10 AT 10:37AM (MST)[p]no, im looking for something with good fronts and big paddles.

thats good info thanks.

what time of year are you in there hunting the WT's?

Blacks-Creek Packs Dealer
you can pretty much hunt whites from sept until middle of dec. check the fish and game website and they will tell you the average spred of the bulls killed each yr. there are big ones but just harder to find becasue of how thick the river bottoms are, i would say floating the river would be the best if you do go for it.
I shot a cow moose with my bow about 5 years ago from a treestand. I was just north of the North Menan Butte. I grew up around there, and hunt the area every year. Lots of bulls, seen a real nice one last year in september. Seen two really big ones down from the menan boat dock two years ago, BIG! Boats are nice, permission from farmers nicer. I know farmers who wont let you hunt deer (save 'em for their families) but will let you in to hunt moose.
They hit this unit pretty hard on numbers, and don't let a lot grow to full potential but there are big ones taken every year. Do look at the IDFG stats, and you'll be able to follow trends. They come in to some of the alfalfa fields off the river a lot, and are seen back on the back of several properties. A bunch of them only live on the islands, and don't leave until the WT gun hunters bump them out in October. The landowners have been pretty accommodating in the past, and will even help you out at times with a call when they show up.

We have seen some good ones ourselves. I'll try to post a pic of a 167" bull we took out of that unit with a muzzleloader; also got a 164" one the week before that. Have seen some better ones, but most are much smaller.

The boat idea is the best, and it helps to be able to come several times around the rut, or when someone calls you with a sighting.

You said you wanted good fronts and long paddles!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, that is awesome! looks like an older bull. i killed on in wyoming 2 years ago, it was 8.5 years old but only had single fronts and the the palms were just ok. id like to get a real nice one for the wall this time because not too many times am i going to get to harvest a moose.

Blacks-Creek Packs Dealer
Blank, tell me that is not a Shiras moose. That is a tremendous bull if it is.
its 63, but you do know that you can hunt any moose hunt with a bow right? I have a friend killed one up in 67, and my brother in law killed one i think in 64 maybe it was 66. Drawings the hardest part. If you draw for 63 let me know these are my stomping grounds. I know where they like to hang out. Access to lots of private land. Good luck, i think i may be putting in for this as well


has anyone seen my kittie
thank, i will probably take you up on it if i draw. i know the moose hunts are any weapon. i guess i just dont like the idea of calling, decoying and hunting them with a bow when guys are running around with rifles.

Blacks-Creek Packs Dealer
Good point, but for the most part the units are so large and the tags are limited to 10 your chances of seeing another moose hunter might be slim. I would be more worried about deer and elk hunters.


has anyone seen my kittie

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