Moose meat



Thinking aboout applying for a cow moose tag in CO and have a good chance of drawing one. Just wondering how the meat is? How does it compare say to elk or deer. Normally my family eats alot of game ( two elk a year) but we have never had any moose meat. How is the tenderness of the backstraps and the tenderloin. Thanks for the input.
Moose meat is terrible. Don't even think about eating it. Let me give you my address so I can "dispose" of it properly :} Seriously, it is some of the best meat you will come across. A cow moose is right up there at the top of my favorites.
As we all know from one animal to another there are differences in taste. How old was it? Was it rutting? How was the meat taken care of? With that said I think moose is much better but maybe the Caribou I had was an older animal or not cared for properly. I too have heard it is great but I thought it was quite similar to a good corn fed Midwestern whitetail.
The flavor on my moose was good. Ended up grinding most of it into burger. The muscle fibers on the thing were the diameter of crayons. It's like chewing rope. Had a friend give me several packages of caribou a few years ago. Tasted like moss...
The moose my dad shot years ago was some of the worst meat
I have everhad. Almost as bad as duck. Probably because it
was an old bull. Elk is still as good as it gets IMO.
Shot a young bull in area 22(WYO) in 2001. The meat was so bad that it literally stunk the house up and was shoe-leather tough. It was virtually inedible. I had the bull skinned and in a cooler in less than an hour.

Shot a big, old bull in area 26(WYO) in 1987. It was some of the finest wild game I've ever eaten. Tender and very mild.

The only difference I can see is where the bulls were killed. The young one was taken in the river bottom in the willows. The big bull killed in typical elk habitat.
kilowatt...i would have to say that caribou is right up their
as some of the best game meat, but i like bighorn sheep the best. and byfar the worst would have to be goat...
Shot a young bull this past fall, best wild game I've ever had bar none. The roasts were the best and burger was a close second. Old bulls can be very tough so a young bull or a cow is what to get if you are after tender meat.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
Shot a medium sized bull in WY a few years ago, and while it was good, I would say most elk I've eaten were better. Just one data point though.
I'm currently on moose number 4, actually probably three and the other is in the freezer, but THEY ARE AWESOME. Ages were 14,4,8 and unknown on the last one, but most likely about 12. All four of them were rutting. It is the leanest meat you can eat, and it has little to none for game taste. My wife loves it and my finicky kids do as well. She won't touch deer whatsoever, not even good deer, and she barely tolerates elk. Happy eats! and by the way. There is a TON of meat there, so you had better like it.
I got my moose in 06 and it has been the best game animal I have tasted.
Heck my wife likes it so much she had me start putting her in for a tag!
My experience has been, Moose meat #1. Elk #2, Deer #3, Sheep #4, Caribou #5, Goat and Bear a distant dead last. Like everybody has said though you can get some that are better than others.
>Where does antelope fit in there,
>just curious?

Dead last for me. Uhgg, stinky goats!

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
We pretty much live on moose meat and i think it must be at the top for the best.

last year was are first year eating caribou and i have to say it is excellent tasting meat,some of the best i have ever had in all honesty.

Big rutting Antelope bucks most of the time taste like sage and is veryyy wild tasting.

I shot a young Antelope buck with bow a few years ago and the meat was also some of the best i have ever tasted.

On a side note i gave some of the caribou meat away to friends who are non hunter's and rarely eat any wild meat and there only complaint was that i never gave them enough.

My two cents.... :)
Ad some beef fat to the ground burger and can't tell it from beef. I'll eat it right out of the frying pan. Roasts slow coocked are great. We will probabbly grind up all the steaks - they are a bit tough. I love moose!
I've not eaten much moose (hope to this year), but what I've had was really good. I've never had bad antelope and I've had a lot of antelope.
>Been told that Caribou is the
>best of all the game,
>is that true?

I couldn't eat it, wasn't all the good to me, this one was from Quebec
With all the mixed opinions, I guess it's much like deer or elk you gotta properly care for the meet once it's down on the ground, I tasted Sask moose thought it was roast wild taste @ all
I've shot two moose, an Alaskan and a Shiras and both were excellent eating. I do believe that a prime factor in them being good eating is that both were shot before the rut. We also got them boned out relatively quick and cooled down in a timely manner. I've eaten meat from plenty of other moose that were shot during the rut, and they haven't been very good, all the way to some that were awful when taken deep into the rut. I've never noticed this with elk or deer nearly like moose. Bull moose seem to get very rank during the rut and it definitely affects the quality of the meat.
Shot mine in Idaho and my wife wouldn't let me cook it in the house. Made the whole house smell like rutting bull full of moose piss. Also gave the dog gas bad enough to clear out an outdoor picnic on a windy day. I used to love to take the dog to a work meeting after she had some leftovers. Meetings never lasted that long.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-07 AT 02:42PM (MST)[p]For those who've never hunted moose, especially during the rut, I'll share a story about a good friend of mine who used to guide in Alaska. I'll never forget him telling the story of cutting the throat of a big bull they shot during the rut. After they'd caped it, he cut the throat and about a gallon of piss ran out onto the ground. Imagine what that does to the meat!

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