moose hunting



I just graduated from college and I am intrested in going on a moose hunt I was wondering if anyone could help me out on the best states as far as draw odds I am not looking for a trophy just a nice moose how many years of applying does it take to draw. I live in AZ so non resident is my only option. Am I better off saving my money and going to canada?

I have been lucky to draw a couple moose tags in WY. In 95 drew my first time in, had to sit out 5 yrs then put in again drew with 6 points this yr. I think I am the exception rather than the rule. Its over 1200 for that tag now. I have 9 pts in UT so should draw there soon. But heres my suggestion. Maine. They give out 2800 tags this yr in an area about 1/4 the size of AZ (moose are only in about 1/2 of ME). Ten percent go to non residents. I have 7 pts and not drawn yet but think im getting close. Heres the kicker.....tag cost is around $400.

Application cost is 5 dollars per try. with 7 pts i get that many extra chances but the others cost 5 ea. so i can put in for 20 additional chances for $100. Then if for some reason you draw and cant are not out the 400 for the tag it goes back into the pool and you loose your points. I think NH is very similar with fewer moose.

I've been there a few times, its very dense forest and visibilty isnt too far. Plus back there those guys all want to know how much the moose weighed so they bring em out whole to be weighed......good luck with that! Applications are due in April....just got my packet this week. good luck
There are three different species of N. Am. moose, so you have to determine which one you want. If you want one badly, I would suggest you save your dough and head way north for a Canadian or Alaskan Bullwinkle.
If you are trying to draw a moose, you probably need to plan on a very long wait. As many people as there are ahead of you in states that have a point system, you could have a 15 to 20 year wait? I understand Idaho has relatively good moose odds. I don't think they have a point system yet. Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado will take you a long time of applying to guarantee a permit. Good Luck
Idaho has no point system. I drew the first year I applied. check the drawing odds on the idaho dept of fish and game web site. possible to harvest a toad bull but you should see lots of moose. get in touch if you draw in southeast idaho, i can put you on the right track for a bull.
Almost impossible to draw in Washington, Idaho has the best draw odds, and no points. Montana doesn't hve the best odds but possible. Wyoming, I would think about 7-9 years until you hunt, Alaska, DIY isn't too much for price, but better know your stuff. At least you are guaranteed a tag. Canada can cost you tons.
I just talked to someone in Maine and he told me that over 18,000 non-residents put in for 285 moose tags. Did I talk to the wrong person?
Sounds like Canada is the way to go.

There are many outfits that provide a quality moose hunting experience without breaking the bank.

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