moose hunting in wyoming



I'm thinking about putting in for Moose this year. I have 5 points. Seeking opinion of good units that I could draw. Any info on unit 10 or 26. I may wait another year or two if needed. Looking for a 45 inch plus bull. Thanks for your input.
You ought to look at the game and fish draw stats depending on whether you're a resident or non res. if you're relying on points, I doubt five points are going to do much for you if you're looking for an area that sports 45" plus bulls.
It doesn't look good for those areas unless you have 9 points. I have been keeping track because I have 8 points. I'm 1 short because of my last moose tag. Check G & F demand list. Good luck.
26 is out, 10 you are on the verge, but probably 3-5 years out as others jump in. A 45" moose in Wyoming areas that can be drawn with 5 points?? Good luck. They do shoot some great bulls up there, but their liberal tag numbers don't put out high quantities of 45" bulls. Drop that to 40" and a 130 class bull and you may be more happy with your results. In any case Good Luck on your draw.
I looked at the resident only, but here are both for last year. Hope this helps you out.

non res
yr area type quota pts 1st 2nd odds
04 10 1 0 <5 35 13 0%
04 10 1 3 5 3 2 100%
04 10 2 1 0 0 0 100%
yr area type quota pts 1st 2nd odds
04 10 1 0 <8 107 96 0%
04 10 1 7 8 21 12 33.33%
04 10 1 12 9 4 1 100%
04 10 2 0 <5 10 17 0%
04 10 2 1 5 1 2 100%
04 10 2 3 8 0 2 100%
04 10 2 4 9 0 1 100%
Thanks alot for the info guys. I may need to wait for better units and more points. I would rather have a better chance to kill a great bull than to spend $1,213 and only find a 35 inch moose.
Area 26 has the bulls you are looking for but your odds of getting the tag with 5 points are no better than someone with 0 points, you'll have to draw it on the random draw. 26 is a big area. Unit 10 had a few huge bulls in 2001, haven't seen any since. Wolves are really decimating the moose populations the last couple of years up in that region. I drew Area 5 in 2002 and ended up with a good P&Y bull, quite a few to choose from. I drew the same area for elk this past year and didn't see many moose at all. The ONLY decent bull I saw was low 30's. I know there are still a few in there but not like there were just a few years ago. My family has a cabin up there and moose were very common, not anymore. Good Luck in the draw.
Thanks for the info Wyoxtec. I may have to wait for acouple years. I'm from Logan. Not far from unit 26. Do you know much about unit 10. Have the wolves been hard on Moose in that unit or closer to the park? I would also like to get my moose with a bow.
The moose population in the northern ends of both the Wyoming Range and the Wind River Range are down considerably from just a few years ago. Maybe its just me but I just don't see many moose in places where they use to be common. Three moose areas adjacent to the park have been closed because of the low counts, check the regs. I read an article in the local paper a while back that blamed the situation on poor habitat and starvation. Whoever wrote it needs to get out from behind the desk a little more. IMO I would look towards areas that have not been as affected by the wolves and bears. You may want to research 27(lots of private) and 35(large area but low population). The draw odds are better but you'll have to hunt harder. Good Luck
Thanks wyoxtec. I can wait for a better area and tag if needed. I will look close at the regs. I have also tried to talk to a fish and game office to get more info. How is the winter treating the deer,elk and moose in wyoming?
The winter has been perfect so far. The mountains have a bunch of snow right now and the low country / winter range has melted. From here on out is when it matters. Febuary and March can be the worst months. Good Luck in the draw, remember, you don't have to draw the primo moose areas in Wyoming to shoot a 40"+ moose. Just plenty of time and patience.
WyoXtec, I have 6 points and I am thinking about unit 26, is it worthy of the 6 points or should I wait. I would like to kill a good bull. Thanks, skeet
Don't discount #15 or #23. I got mine out of #15 and have hunted elk/deer in the moose unit #23 and saw one moose hunter all the times I've been up there.
Unit 26 is excellent, but you better check the Game and Fish website and look for the Demand Index or Draw Odds. I doubt you can draw it with 6.
I just checked the draw odds and I'm wrong. You can draw Area 26 with six points. If no one new jumps into the draw and the same people as last year apply, there should be 10 hunters with six points going for nine tags. That surprises me, you have to be max'ed out as a resident to get a 26 tag on the preference point draw.

PM me if you get one, I know that area well and I'll help you out.

[email protected]
Hey Wyoxtec-where you from. I am from Kemmerer. Willing to help some of you with a moose hunt also. See lots of good bulls each year deer and elk hunting. Just putting in my time until I can draw my self.

Good Hunting!

I drew 26 this year with 6 points. I have hunted G for deer twice and saw 1 monster moose. I am hoping to draw the deer tag also because if I'm moose hunting I know I'll see a monster buck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm planning on spending two weeks for the moose hunt.

Are you hunting up this way this year. Would be glad to help you out.

Good to hear from someone familiar with this area. Do you still hunt around kemmerer? For what animals? I have been heading north the last couple of years (hoback canyon) for deer. The pressure around the hills here is getting crazy. A lot of easy access for those who don't wish to walk or hunt very hard. Still get out around here once in a while when I have a couple of hours in the evenings during season. Fortunately this area will allow you to do that and still have a shot at a decent buck. Don't know how much longer that is going to last.

Hi Thatcherwyo1,
I will be hunting up your way for Moose and hopefully for deer also. I put in for deer with 3 buddies but if we don't draw I will be up there for Moose only. I plan to spend two weeks either way and a guide buddy will come help me part of the time. He lives in Bellvue Id. I plan to spend at least 5 days before the season opens looking for a good Moose.

Man that will be an awesome hunt. I hope you draw on deer too. The moose #'s have gone down over the last 3-4 years but still some good bulls walking around. Are you familiar with Shooster Basin and Rock Creek area? Just north of Fossil Butte. Seen good bulls in that region for the last couple of years. Of course Hamsfork and Fontinelle are good standby's. You will have to look me up if you drop one and I will give you a hand packing that bugger out. I know, I am a sucker for punishment.

Good Hunting!!!

Thanks I was planning on hiring someone to help with the meat packing if my buddies aren't there. I am not familiar with those areas as I have only hunted the northern portions of Region G. It will be fun learning some new country.

So you have been up North of Cokeville and around Star Valley? Some good bulls running up there also. Let me know if you want to go take a look around. I coach football so time is a little limited after the end of August but would be happy to get out for a few hours and see what is happening. The areas I know of are within 30-45 minutes of Kemmerer. let me know.

Good Hunting!!


[email protected]

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