
Long Time Member
Been Thinkin about gettin me some Big Game Hounds!

Hounds that'll Hold 30"+ Muleys & 380"+ Bulls at Bay!

They Hunt Moose in Sweeden with Dogs!

Anybody tried it?

I was watching Petersen Hunting on the OutDoor Channel & They Claimed 90,000 Moose are Harvested every year?

Anybody know if that Figure is Correct?

You Boys are Gonna Here some Noyz one of these Falls in the near Future!

I sure Hope polarbear doesn't Shoot My Mutts!:D

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-13 AT 12:37PM (MST)[p]I talked with a moose hunting outfitter from Sweden at the Houston SCI show last year. They have the dogs trained to "point" the moose. So the dog runs ahead, when they stop you sneak up and try to shoot the moose, if it runs off the dog takes off again and tries to point it when it stops.

The bad part of that hunt is that you are expected to shoot the first moose "bayed". Cows, calves, dinks, whatever, if its a moose you shoot it and then you go home. No thanks, Sweeden.
The Show I watched, it was Mandatory you Shoot two Calves,a Cow & then a chance at a Quality Bull,I Think four Moose total?

They Claimed they were trying to Harvest 90,000 Moose per year!

Seemed like a High Number to me?

They were making a Big Deal out of killing Calves!

Not my Cup of Tee-Tee!

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
We used to hunt Muleys with dogs.. and it was legal then...We had 2 Norwegian Elk Hounds named Duchess and Nicki...they would take off on em and bay em up in the thick Mahogany was funny too that we could tell by the bark if they were chasing a buck or a doe...they would come back shortly if it was a doe...before my Dad went into the service during the Korean conflict they had an old Red Irish setter and he bayed a Big Crippled Muley up for them and the Buck charged him and killed him....the hunting party was pretty bummed when they lost old Red...
Gonna be some MAD Hunters when I get the PACK in Action!

Just don't know how long it'll take me to get them PISSCUTTER Broke?:D:D:D

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
Between Sweden, Finland and Norway they harvested 220 thousand moose one year, so yea 90 thousand sounds about right.
Harvest objective of 90,000??

Hell bess, I bet you have that many deer and elk within a square mile of ya in the basin.

Should be like shooting fish in a barrel for you to begin with. No need for dogs up there!
>Between Sweden, Finland and Norway they
>harvested 220 thousand moose one
>year, so yea 90 thousand
>sounds about right.
To bad they dont want to trade for some turkeys, maybe some of us would have a chance to hunt moose in Utah again

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euro0sby. hell just sell every thing you got , work your ass off 'then you can have a moose tag any time you want, dont you read slamdunks post.,trade moose for turkeys, only utah is that dumb.
elkassassin, ive got the dogs for you 6 basset hounds; with them short legs moose wont see them till they have him bayed, been selling for $500. but if you take the whole six pack ill let you have them for $600 each, or a total of $3750. ill throw in a new s. f. w. hat,
Back when I used to guide I had several clients from Europe that hunted moose with dogs. The harvest numbers are crazy. They kill more moose in Norway than what BC does. It didn't sound like hunting them with dogs was easy in any way. Just like lion hunting, it takes a lot of effort to see success.

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