Moose hunt 2010...


Long Time Member
As some of you know 45 aka 1911 is on his Once in a Lifetime Hunt, I have heard from him, they have seen a couple nice bulls but no shooters.

I will keep you all posted as I hear and post pics when he sends them. ( keep your fingers crossed I need a Moose for MY wall.)

Tell him good luck!!!

I had the great fortune to draw a Wyoming moose tag in 2005 and the hunt and trophy truly are once-in-a-lifetime!
Tell him I wish him luck! For his sake, I hope Ransom is not helping. j/k.:)

How is the new baby doing? I'm sure you must have a recent photo you can share!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-10 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-10 AT 08:39?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-10 AT 08:38?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-10 AT 07:06?PM (MST)


Here he is...

Sorry link doesn't work. Maybe a smart person can help me....
good luck to 45, ill send my address after he kills one so he can send my moose roast he promissed me

REMOVE THIS PART (2)THEN IT SHOULD WORK....ALSO YOU HAD A "Hhttp"...that is wrong too.

probably glad to be out of the house.....

Sorry I tried. Thanks Brian for your help.

There is nothing like moose hunting. I just couldn't believe how big they were!
Seen 3 Bull Moose today!
One Shooter!
And 2 Pisscutters!
I thought about 1911 as I had the big boy in my bino's!
I was Thinking!
How's a guy that small gonna pack an animal that big?:D
(((Just Razzin!)))
I'm Impatiently waiting on word of a good Moose Steak!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
45 is back at camp, nothing today, but he did see quite a few.

You guys can have all the meat you want I just want the horns.

Bbop that's why they have truck n trailers. LOL plus 45 has been packing on the pounds lately. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Tell good luck from the crew, Hope he gets a good one.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Ahhh now the truth comes out he goes to Kona to get the rest he cant get here. LOL

That picture could come in handy in the future Ransom did you make plenty of copies???

No word today from 45, but I will keep you all posted. ;)
I hear ya Lil Red!

He did tell us that acting like 'Bunnies' had come to an abrupt holt a while back but in trade you were feeding him twice the good food you used to!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

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