Moose calling



Wondering if anyone has had much success calling in bull moose. What kind of calls they have used? Don't have much time to bow hunt this year. Will likly be doing spot and stalk.
Thanks for your reply bone. Are these home made calls difficult to make? You can PM me if wanted. Thanks, Greg
Get a gallon sized coffee can, punch a small hole in the center, then get a leather shoe/boot string, tie a knot in one end and insert the other end thru the hole you made in the coffee can, dip the shoe string into some water to get it wet, pinch the shoe string between your fingers and pull away from the can.... make a perfect Cow Moose moan.

Used this in Alaska many times and it works in Utah also..
Use any cone shaped object and your natural voice. Also know how to bull gunt. If the rut is swingin, you can bring em in simply by beating the crap out of the brush with a paddle or a big stick. worked like a charm for me. ood luck. Moose hunting is fun.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
I have tried a few times with some luck, but not very much.
I was In AK a few years ago and we spotted a bull beaded down in a willow creek bottom he was only about 200 yards away and a closer stalk would have been hard as the willows were 7-9 feet tall. I called and called at that damn bull and he would not get up for us to make sure he was big enough. After 30 minutes of calling with no results, I brok off a dead spruce top and beat the heck out of another dead spruce. he jumped up instantly looking for a fight. He hit the ground about 5 seconds later. It was painfully obvious he was legal when we got a good look at him. He ended up being 66"... he also had a cow bedded with him that we did not see.
I can email you a photo if you want one.

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