Moose calling tips? Calls?Videos?



Gonna hunt moose for 1st time this Sept (archery) Any brands of calls anyone would reccomend, or a reputable video with some pointers on calling? Thanks in advance.

life IS good
Life, where are you hunting moose? There are a pair of videos by Wayne Kubat (an Alaskan Guide) called Love, Thunder, and Bull I & II that are fantastic. Here is the link:

These are the best I have seen.

I hope this helps.

Take care,
Thanks Dave, AK, Yukon river system (tributaries). Plan to be in the bush for a few weeks. I have called in a couple lovesick moose (Mt) while bugling elk over the years (on accident) but I really dont know where to begin. Drop camp.

life IS good
Life, these vids will easily help you. I've used the techniques shown while moose hunting in Alaska and they work. Calling moose is the easy part; once they are down is when the hard work begins. I hope you are prepared for the work involved. A 1500lb bull down is a huge task. I did a 3 week float hunt a few years back with 3 friends. We shot a big bull about a mile off the river. It took us a day and a half to get all of the meat back to camp, and that was with 4 folks packing.

Good luck on your hunt and be sure to let us know how you did and post pics of your hunt/bull.

Take care,
Hope to have the opportunity to process one of those big guys when we are up there. Those tough packs always make the meat taste better anyway, right? A mile from the river is further than alot of "Moose hunters" will go Dave. Your animal was hard earned and deserved.
I was "blessed" (if you wanna call it that)with a career for some time that involved packing out large game, and was even lucky enough last fall to harvest (and pack out) a large bison bull on public land, when we foolishly left our horses at home.
The websight was just what I was looking for, I have a Magnet and the "Moose Calling 101" dvds on the way.
Thanks again.

life IS good
lifeisgood: Don't waste your money on any factory made calls. Get a video that shows a few different calls and learn to do them with your mouth. You'll be much better off. Moose Talk, with Jerry Peterson is a good one. He doesn't hardsell his own calls. The only device I carry is one of those big fat plastic bats that kids use. Cut off the fat end at the seam, and cut off the handle at a spot that makes a hole big enough for you to articulate your lips inside of it sort of. This makes a great megaphone for cow calls or bull grunts, and when you are walking you can let it brush against bushes and small trees and it sounds like a bull whose antlers are sweeoing past branches. Works good for water calls too. Have fun. Guy
Birchbark is the best as far as I am concerned, and it carries alot of tradition with it as well. I occasionally make them and sell them on ebay for about $30 and $8 shipping if interested. I'm going to make one for another member on here. You can shoot me an e-mail to [email protected] if interested. or.....just make one yourself. I also agree that Moose talk with peterson is excellent without all of the "bull".
Just as mentioned above voice calls are the way to go and from my experience it would be a waste of money buying any sort of call! Watch as many videos as you can get your hands on. If you see guys using the same system or technique in several videos you can pretty much bank on those techniques working.

One thing you may way to remember is there is likely a lot of country in AK without moose. Your best bet is to cover lots of country and use calls and noise that can be heard long distance. Whacking a tree with a log or stick can be heard for miles and will get their attention. Cow calls can also be heard from great distances and are very productive in the early stages of the rut when solitary bulls are wandering around looking for estrous cows. Bull grunts aren't very loud but can be productive once bulls are closer. Bull grunts can also be productive when bulls are with a hot cow and they don't want any other bull messing with her! Also, raking trees with a funnel call, stick, or log can also get a bull wound up...especially if he is holding up just out of range.
Covering long distance is precisely why I use the birchbark to amplify the sound. When the animal is in close, I just use my hands. The resonance in the funnel of the call really reaches out there. Its like calling any other animal. Each is different and each situation requires individual attention. there are lovesick bulls that would just assume hump your leg no matter what you sound like, then there are the stubborn ones. One thing that makes moose hunting a little more unique than deer is density, and the fact you want to bring them to you, not travelling all over the country further and further away from where you want your meat pile stacked for the trip home.
You're right about the distance. In Alaska, I've called them in from long distance. I like the Bull Magnet listed on Wayne Kubats site. Granted, I have never used a Birch Bark call, but with the magnet, I can call, scrape, rub, thrash, etc...and it sounds very realistic. I also use my mouth and cupped hands to add a little distance to the cow calls, usually inside 1/4 mile.

Take care,

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