moose area 23


Active Member
i am new to moose hunting but am going to apply for area 23 in wyoming this year. i have no points but is my first time applying. what is the draw like. and if i draw would it be worth my time to pay for a drop camp from an outfitter or rent horses and pack in my self. what is the quantity and quality of moose in this area. what should i expect while hunting.

moseley middleton
With no moose points, don't be expecting to be hunting! Wyoming gives 75% of the tags to those with top points. In that unit it would be more than 7. While 25% of the tags are open to you, your chances are less than 1%. But good luck anyway.
thats what i thought but what i was looking at is everyone i know who has drawn a moose permit drew on there fist time putting in. but who knows.i may luck out.

moseley middleton

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