moose and wolves



Was lucky enough to draw a Wyoming moose permit.Area 16 around Alta , just east of Driggs , ID. What can I expect for moose sightings with the wolf population being what it is? Have the wolves impacted the moose like they have the elk in northern Yellowstone?
Well I attended Scout Camp (Camp Loll) durning the last week of June. Camp Loll is 4 miles south of Yellowstone NP and 17 miles east of Ashton, ID. While I was walking to our camp site I noticed moose hair on the trail. After looking around there wasn't much left of a body. I then talked with a camp friend and asked about the moose body. He told me that the moose was killed two weeks prior by a pack of three wolves that had been seen in the area for the past three weeks. He then told me that last year they went from 5 moose directly around camp to 2 at the end of the summer and now this one was dead. He also told me that the FWS biologist was coming up during the week to make sure it was a wolf kill. The biologist never did make it up but moose sure have dropped off the face of the plannet in there neck of the woods.


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