

Very Active Member
Yesterday, I took the day off to go fishing at one of my favorite locales. I arrived in the morning, the wildflowers were blooming, the grass was a vibrant green, the weather was partly cloudy, windless, and just plain beautiful. I parked my car, pulled on my chest waders, hiked to my favorite spot, and started fishing. The fish were active and willing.

A couple hours later I start back to my car. As I approached the car, I noticed that a large number of cattle had collected around it (about 50 cow/calf pairs)...I thought that was kind of odd, but maybe they thought I was the rancher with some special feed for them. As I got closer, I realized the cattle had chosen my car as a licking/scratching post! When I was still a distance from them, I saw that one of my sideview mirrors was laying on the ground on the far side of the car and my instincts kicked in. I began running toward the mooing mass, throwing rocks and insults all the way. Of course the cattle dispersed quickly, and when I reached the car, I was able to assess the damage. They had licked and rubbed the whole thing, and BOTH sideview mirrors were completely broken off.

I had to wonder, what would have happened to me if I had chosen to stand still near my car instead of going fishing? LOL

I know that I learned a lesson: never leave your car unattended in an open range area, you never know what vandals may wander by!

Anyone else had a similar experience?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-04 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]Berto.. Sorry to hear about the car. I guess you could call that a cowboy car wash. Just kidding. I did have a peacock onetime just about cover my whole truck in peacock poo as he fell in love with himself using my mirrors to do his thing. I swear in the 24 hrs that he was left alone with himself and my truck I have never seen such a mess. Almost had to kill the thing to get to my truck! Lessons learned I suppose.

Happy trails
Ridge Runner
"Now Pilgrim,you sure you can skin grizz"
"I began running toward the mooing mass, throwing rocks and insults all the way." mooing mass!!! LOL!!!!!!! :) Berto, I think that's one of the funniest things I've heard all week!

On a serious note though, sorry about your mirrors. I've never had anything like this happen, or even heard (no pun intended..) of it happening....

Good day,


yeah, i'm not complaining. i parked "on their land" so to speak. they even left fresh "landmines" all around my car, which made it a challenge to keep the inside of the car clean on my way home.

just kinda struck me as one of those funny stories i'll be able to tell my grandkids :)

glad i was able to share the humor thru words. all i could do was shrug my shoulders and laugh as i threw the broken mirrors in my car and drove away. i'll never forget it.
Wouldnt you love to see the look on the insurance persons face when they hear this story? "I swear, a herd of cows licked my mirrors off".

insurance? naw, my deductible is way too high for that.

i got out my favorite tube of shoo-goo and went to work on them. almost as good as new now :)
Isn't open range just a great idea? I'd have probably shot the worthless bastards.
Ridge Runner, I lived on a llama ranch for 3 years and the owner had 3 peacocks. Those damn things would always be on the hoop of my truck, scratching it up and crapping all over it! The llamas were funny cuz every morning you open the front door and theres'' like 20 llamas standing on your front porch looking at you. Kind of freaks you out!

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