Montana Wolf Hunting Poll...Needs Help!

LAST EDITED ON May-16-13 AT 09:36AM (MST)[p]Done but we are the minority!!! Freaking wolf lovers. We now have wolves 200 miles from Seattle!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Keeping in mind that wildlife any state but generally based on scientific study. The "no" votes are probably not going to carry as much weight as we might think.

There are too many wolves in Montana, or there wouldn't be a discussion regarding extending the season in the first place.

Also, just as I, a non resident, voted "yes", a bunch of "leaf lickers" from LA and NY voted "no", simply to make themselves feel good.

Of course, my vote was to make ME feel good,.......and allow me to hunt wolf in Montana this fall.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
You folks that have read my threads before know where I stand on the....."wolf issue". I wont change my mind about how I feel about it. When the Anti's have a few facts and studies, they can edit,twist,and with deception, make what may seem a valid argument for their case.The pie graph that was commented on , about how "We " were loosing is a good example. Before you take that graph as truth, find out what the reader base for the paper is. Remember this when my wife and I taught Hunters Education the numbers we were given, to show our students, were that there are almost even numbers for pro hunting and anti hunting but with those combined they only made up 20% of the population. Leaving 80% to swing whatever way the wind blows. When the anti's bring the "wolf issues" into the the spot light its just an attempt the blow the breeze and try to swing the 80% ( or a few at least) their way. Before Wolves were introduced anywhere in the lower 48, I didn't "miss" them. I never thought there was something missing from nature. I do believe there was allot of time and money spent trying to kill them off, because at one point we didn't want them. The anti's cry but its "Nature"! Well if we need to Protect Mother nature, what about Hurricains ,Tornadoes, Bacteira, and virus's. What would they say if some whacko wanted to reintroduce Polio, and wanted to do it with their ( the anti's ) bodies.. I know radical example sorry. I really don't want to hear the pro's or the con's one way or another. I love Deer and Elk hunting, I love Camping with my family( and our dogs" are part of our family). I cosider myself a very ethical sportsman. If there were wolves introduced into any of these things I would see them as a threat. And I may be ... Greedy for lack of a better word, But I would remove the threat, I see nothing good about wolves.
"Should Montana expand its wolf hunting season to six and half months?"

Technically no! It should be expanded to eleven and a half months.

LAST EDITED ON May-18-13 AT 05:48AM (MST)[p]In the grand scheme, that poll ain't gonna mean squat. You can submit opinions directly to Montana FWP. mtmuley

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