Montana Wolf Count Up

All the more reason to hunt them harder. Hope this is the year we get trapping and multiple tags.

Can't imagine what kind of numbers we would have next year if hunters and wildlife services had not killed 205 wolves in 2011 and another 44 so far in 2012.

Just wish more hunters were out there shooting them. Lots of guys wanting to whine about wolves, but not nearly as many out there trying to shoot them.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
I expect they won't open quota them because they have to be very careful to tow the fine line between effective management and keeping the feds and the sue happy activists off their backs.
Wonder if the State could go to the Feds and get permission if needed to hire aerial gunners in order to reach the quota.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-12 AT 09:19AM (MST)[p]Big Fin is absolutely right, Montana needs to consider, and should, implement trapping as well as multiple tags. The open quota will never fly for all kinds of biological, social, and political reasons.

I also agree that many in Montana who howled the loudest...pun there...about the wolves didnt even bother to buy a wolf tag. Know a few that would have filled those tags if they had purchased one.

Another thing Montana may want to consider is reducing the price of NR wolf tags. I think a tag of $100-$150 may get more NR's buying wolf tags. At $300, many arent willing to pony up for the outside chance of seeing one of the 630 wolves living in Montana.

I didnt buy a wolf tag this year as I drew an elk tag in an area of MT with basically no wolves. I also had a busy season with tags in 4 states and was spread pretty thin on time.

I'm making it a point this year to hunt wolves in Montana when I'm up there being a "game hog" with my drastically reduced price NR elk and deer tags...may as well throw a wolf on top of the pile for the trip home to Wyoming. With the money I save on the elk and deer tags, I can buy a wolf tag and still spend less than I have the last 11 years just hunting elk and deer.

I also wonder how much Wyomings wolf population increased this year, I bet by more than 15% considering WY wolves are still enjoying full federal protection.
We need to and I believe we will be able to trap them this next season.BUT dont let Zigga see these trapping posts,he will explain to you that we shouldn't even ask the state to let us trap them because his little rat dog might get snapped in half in a wolf trap!We have a battle brewing here in MT with a bunch of antis(like ZIGGA) trying to make it illegal to trap anything on public grounds,it has made it as far as the legislature and they have alot of support(people like ZIGGA)behind them so the whole subject of trapping wolves is one Im afraid the MT F&G may try to sidestep.If we cant trap they need to pull the choppers out at the end of the season and fill those quotas,one way or another,80 more wolves than last year,after a hunt?NOT GOOD NEWS.

My bone is no stranger to
great envy!
>AT 09:19?AM (MST)

>Big Fin is absolutely right, Montana
>needs to consider, and should,
>implement trapping as well as
>multiple tags. The open quota
>will never fly for all
>kinds of biological, social, and
>political reasons.
>I also agree that many in
>Montana who howled the loudest...pun
>there...about the wolves didnt even
>bother to buy a wolf
>tag. Know a few that
>would have filled those tags
>if they had purchased one.
>Another thing Montana may want to
>consider is reducing the price
>of NR wolf tags. I
>think a tag of $100-$150
>may get more NR's buying
>wolf tags. At $300, many
>arent willing to pony up
>for the outside chance of
>seeing one of the 630
>wolves living in Montana.
>I didnt buy a wolf tag
>this year as I drew
>an elk tag in an
>area of MT with basically
>no wolves. I also had
>a busy season with tags
>in 4 states and was
>spread pretty thin on time.
>I'm making it a point this
>year to hunt wolves in
>Montana when I'm up there
>being a "game hog" with
>my drastically reduced price NR
>elk and deer tags...may as
>well throw a wolf on
>top of the pile for
>the trip home to Wyoming.
>With the money I save
>on the elk and deer
>tags, I can buy a
>wolf tag and still spend
>less than I have the
>last 11 years just hunting
>elk and deer.
>I also wonder how much Wyomings
>wolf population increased this year,
>I bet by more than
>15% considering WY wolves are
>still enjoying full federal protection.
Buzz you should spend less time worrying about the price of a tag in MT and a whole lot more time concerning yourself with your own state,the one that hasnt pulled its head far enough out of its ass to start a wolf hunt and Fd up the whole wolf hunting proposal for several states with their ridiculous demands, holding up the start of the wolf hunts by SEVERAL YEARS.How many wolves would have been killed in those years if WY had got its sh!t together and proposed a wolf hunt the feds would agree to.We are years behind in this battle thanks to your state,I wouldnt be crying about the cost of a wolf tag in another.

My bone is no stranger to
great envy!
Take cover TG,you dont want a piece of this one!;)

My bone is no stranger to
great envy!
Shedz - If you had your head out here where the air is fresh, you would realize that Buzz has been one of the many Wyoming guys trying to get WY to move forward on a plan.

He is often hammered by the SFW guys for advocating that Wyoming had been putting MT and ID in a bad spot. He was very vocal in stating that MT and ID need a solution that was not tied to WY.

If you had any involvement in the issue, other than whining and moaning, you would have known that.

Carry on .......

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
This is definitely another one we can agree on!!! I'm battening down the hatches as this is being typed, LOL!
I have been attending F&G commission meetings open to the public since they first proposed this fiasco several years ago,we fought it tooth and nail and tried to get the support of the RMEF(complete waste of time and money) before the feds could gain enough momentum to put it through.We rallied ranchers,hunters and biologists that would support the anti wolf side of the argument and showed up at every meeting they let us in to and I will attend every one they have here and try to show support for the trapping initiative because I know the anti-trapping faction will show up in force. Someone b!tchin about their states policy's on the net isnt getting involved.Go to the meetings,get people organized,and quit b!tchin about a state that has already covered hurdles your own state put in front of us,you have no grounds to complain about anything MT has done to get to this point,for quite some time there weren't going to be any NON RES wolf tags at all,if you knew a damn thing about what it took to get this far you might have a clue.
TG,Id hit the grocery store and stock up on canned goods,this may take a while!

My bone is no stranger to
great envy!
"the one that hasnt pulled its head far enough out of its ass to start a wolf hunt and Fd up the whole wolf hunting proposal for several states with their ridiculous demands, holding up the start of the wolf hunts by SEVERAL YEARS.How many wolves would have been killed in those years if WY had got its sh!t together and proposed a wolf hunt the feds would agree to."

Or... some could see that the whole wolf issue is and was a whole lot bigger than just about game herds, wolves, hunting, etc... Unless I'm mistaken, Wyoming had a plan that was approved by independent biologists, congruent with what the feds initially said would be acceptable, and then they started singing to a different tune. Roll over, give a bit more to a system that nibbles away at state and individual rights, and your kids will have a whole lot more to worry about than game herds and hunting.
This is a pic of a group of ranchers that showed up here in Helena to support our ant wolf group 2 years before the reintroductions started,what were you doing?

My bone is no stranger to
great envy!
Totally agree that they need to lower the tag price for non residents. Look at what I Idaho did this past year. If I was hunting either state with a big game tag in an area know to have some wolves I would buy a wolf tag if it was under $100. Most non residents in the same situation would probably buy if they were under $50.

Keep up the fight! There are more and more hunters waking up to what is really happening in this wolf debacle!! I plan on doing my part to help!
hey I have an idea, instead of us starting another bit$$ and moan session about who's state is better at handling the wolf issue or the price of a wolf tag, we could start a thread about where an average out-of-state hunter can fnd decent opportunities at seeing a wolf to hunt. I would love to hunt a wolf next year in Montana. honestly I don't know much about montana, i have hunted deer north of Glasgow but would really appreciate any information from those in the know about areas to look at for the up coming season. If i don't get any information from those in the know then I will just try to piece together what I can and do it anyway. i don't have an issue with the tag fee as it is today. Any help would be appreciated.
I spent a lot of time hunting them this year. Glad to help anyone willing to come and hunt wolves.

Cliff notes version - after the elk congregate in December, find the elk. That is where the wolves will be. They still move some, but in more localized areas near where the elk are.

During the general big game hunting season of September and October, they will be very scattered and moving a lot.

Gallatin and Beaverhead National Forests are great places to look in Southwest Montana. Sure some other guys can give you insight in the NW or western part of the state.

Good luck. Come get you some.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
Keep up the fight! There are more and more hunters waking up to what is really happening in this wolf debacle!! I plan on doing my part to help!

Really...did you buy tags in Montana and Idaho this year? Did you fill those tags?

Would like to see all the pictures of the wolves you've killed.
Not montana... I have bought tags in Idaho 2008-09, 2011-12 seasons. Hunted Wyoming during the predator season a few years back!

I have pictures and punched tags. It would be kind of fun to work on a wolf grand slam!

Would love to kill one in MT, plan on hunting there next season! Hope that Montana extends there hunting season length for next year. Do you want to hunt together next year? I would hunt wolves with you Buzz, if you wanted to lower yourself to my uneducated level. Maybe TopGun can come for pictures!!!
Lots of talk and rhetoric Mr. Wolfhunter, but I don't see you posting any pictures of your kills! When Wyoming gets delisted you can bet money that I'll be shooting any of the suckers I see over in the BigHorns free of any tag fees!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-12 AT 06:35PM (MST)[p]TG I told you to STAY DOWN!Now ur in the sh!t,nothing more I can do for ya. ;)

WolfHunter if you want to come up next winter AFTER the big game seasons have closed I can point you in the direction of some big ranches that will open their doors to any wolf hunter.One spread near Ennis and another near Augusta that I am in contact with each had two wolves shot on their place this winter.I hunted the hell out of the Augusta area,I was trying to call one in with coyote howls and pup yips but had no luck,I did kill 9 coyotes though so it wasnt a complete waste of time.The elk wintered high in my area this year,making them tough to find.

My bone is no stranger to
great envy!

Count me in! I have some hunting partners who would love to join in too! Keep up with the coyote call it works....
Why does a guy have to show you people any pictures?I've never shown a pic of any animal I've ever killed on this site,and probably never will.Wolfhunter,just so ya know,TOPGUN and BUZZH have never lost an argument on MM.They will always outlast you.Whether they are right or wrong,you will grow weary of the fight and quit typing!LOL!
nontypical---If a guy starts a debate on two different threads with me like this new guy with most of it being BS and he says he has pictures to prove it, then by golly let him post them or shut the he** up. I've posted pictures whenever anybody has questioned me over anything, so he can do the same if he says he has proof. Anyway, this didn't even involve you, so why not just butt out please!
I posted this link because I thought it was interesting. A population increase was not what most sportsman had hoped for in Montana. I am glad to see that everyone has chimed in on this subject. As always, Big Fin makes a lot of sense.

I am glad to see that Montana FWP is making a concerted effort to keep an accurate wolf count. That is a difficult and expensive task. A $ 150,000 grant from an eco-elite charitable organization back east was recently provided to a biologist and his group in Montana to make an accurate count of wolf numbers in Montana. I wonder how their wolf count will compare to the count by Montana FWP?

I guess with Topgun a/k/a BuzzLite, if you have no pictures you have no credibility on this site. He wants those to butt out who don't agree with his opinions. Glad to see that a guy from Michigan has our backs here in the west. LOL.

I am glad to see that BuzzH is planning to take his refrigerator truck to Montana next year when he cashes in his reduced price antelope, deer and elk tags. He will have to make room for his wolf. I would encourage him to get in touch with his inner "game hog" when it comes to wolf hunting. LOL.

In all seriousness, Montana took a very conservative approach to wolf management in 2011/2012. I can't blame them for handling it that way. There is a lot of uncharted territory with wolf management. I do believe that they could have priced non-resident wolf tags at a lower price. I am sure that they will make some changes for the next round in managing the wolf.

I am glad to see that the bash Wyoming group made only a slight appearance on this post. For the most part, these folks give the eco-elites,eco-lawyers and the federal government a pass on the subject. The Wyoming Legislature will be making its decision on the Mead/Salazar Wolf Agreement sometime in the next few days. After that, the process will likely end up in federal court. For a change, maybe a Federal District Judge from Wyoming will be rendering a decision on the subject.
Hey guys, we still have plenty of season open here in Idaho. Some great guys and gals have lowered our population by 334 as of yesterday with most of the state open the rest of this month and we have a special going for you Montana boys.

We have two areas bordering your fine state that houses transients from your state, that will have an open season through JUNE. Buy yourself a NR License at $154, come hunt for a wolf($31.50) through this spring, then come back again in the fall and hunt some nice whitetails and another wolf. Help your herds and ours.

Fin bring your camera!! We would love to have you! We just got some nice and needed snow so finding them should be easier right now.

Seriously, I am pretty happy the way our approach has worked so far here. Hunters are successfull and we are stretching our opportunities to control these predators all the time. These predators are smart and hunting them will get harder every year.
Buzz has had too many posts nuked latley to win anything but the "MMs Stinky Stomper replacement contest".

My bone is no stranger to
great envy!
MH stated: "I guess with Topgun a/k/a BuzzLite, if you have no pictures you have no credibility on this site. He wants those to butt out who don't agree with his opinions. Glad to see that a guy from Michigan has our backs here in the west. LOL.

I am glad to see that BuzzH is planning to take his refrigerator truck to Montana next year when he cashes in his reduced price antelope, deer and elk tags. He will have to make room for his wolf. I would encourage him to get in touch with his inner "game hog" when it comes to wolf hunting. LOL."

***You should come down off your ivory tower and knock off the BS just because you think BuzzH kills too many animals and I agree with him! It's none of your friggin business when he is legal and it's done in an ethical manner. You just keep starting new threads about this wolf deal and then you and WH start doing the same attacks and get pizzed when people don't agree with you. So what if I live in Michigan? I believe it's still in the good old USA where everyone has a right to speak out on anything, especially when it involves my Federal tax dollars! How many thousands of dollars have you spent like I have over the last 20 years supporting G&F? With your cheap RES tags compared to the NRs prices that are basically keeping the G&F in business, I think that just maybe I have as much say in wildlife matters as you. If you would read a little closer you would see that we are all trying to help the game populations and this is getting a little old because some of us don't agree with every friggin thing you and WH post. You ought to be happy that BuzzH and I are passionate hunters and conservationists, rather than PETA supporters! You have a lot of nerve to say that I'm the one not wanting anybody to disagree with me, LOL! I guess according to your BS posts that BuzzH should have let at least three LQ tags he happened to draw in different states after spending thousands of dollars on PPs, licenses, tags, etc. go to waste! It's funny you haven't come out against any of the other members that are drawing tags and killing more than one or two animals a year. Are they all "game hogs" too because you only take an occasional one? You are one condescending SOB when you make statements about me or BuzzH when in the last week or so you have been doing much worse and it's just because I told you I didn't agree with your assessment of BuzzH. I would love to see wolves brought down to the lowest numbers it takes to keep them delisted and ungulates flourishing and I believe BuzzH feels pretty much the same way after reading his posts. Wolfhunter seems to be a fanatic on every thread and wants every one of them "MFers" killed and that is not being realistic with what the Libs are forcing on us across the country under the ESA. We are all in this together and it might be smart if you woke up and realized it and quit taking pot shots at people whose passion is hunting and the environment and just want to be able to pass it on to future generations like you guys say you do.
All brought to you through the hard work of ID and MT sportsmen while working in cooperation with Senator Jon Tester of Montana and Representative Mike Simpson of Idaho.

Two forward thinking congressionals that are looking out for the best interests of the hunters they represent.

Nice to know that BGF/SFW didnt get their way in their attempt to discredit the great work of all involved that made these hunts possible.

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