Montana unlimited unit



Does anyone have any experience, opinions, or advice about trying one of these unlimited unit sheep hunts?
Plan on getting in line to see mediocre rams. The outfitters send people out to find the big ones and then they just sit on them. The lesser rams you might have a shot at. Get in and do a lot of scouting if you decide to go. One year these idiots shot 30 minutes before legal shooting light and there were several people watching the clock. I talked to the guy that pulled the trigger on the 7/8 ram and asked him if it was a tad early. I don't know if he got busted or not. Another year this idiot shot a dink ram before legal light and another hunter was going around getting names and addresses for witnes statements. Basically it's a rat race with a possibility of a fist fight.
How close are all these people hunting to each other to be able to walk around and collect names?
I have hunted 501 for many years, just to go sheep hunting and hoping to see a big ram. Now, I am saving points for the breaks.
The unlimited areas will test you physically and mentally. Some years the area will close on opening and some years it will take all season before it closes. I do miss hunting them every year but as zigga said there has been some fishy stuff going on the last few years, and I have reported a few "things" to f&g.
But anyway last year there was a 37" ram shot on opening, along with a couple small ones.
If you are interested in some more info. on 501 let me know.
You can also call Shawn Stewart (f&g biologist) in Red Lodge for some info.
The area we hunted was over 9,000 feet and we went up a ridge to the top and apparently other people just hiked the ridges and there must have been a half dozen of us on top of the same ridge. I'll try to draw a once in a lifetime tag from here on out and leave the unlimited areas to the more energetic type.
I've hunted 2 of the unlimited areas and saw sheep in both units. I never did kill a ram, but drew a goat permit for one of the areas I hunted sheep in and did take a nice goat.

My best friend killed a low 170's sheep in one of the unlimited areas the first year he hunted it.


I dont believe your story.

Unless the guy that shot "30 minutes" before legal light was packing a battery charged spot-light or there was a full moon...its impossible to see anything that early...even at 9,000 feet. Go out in your yard a full hour before sunrise and tell me how someone shoots that early??? Even right at legal shooting time in MT (1/2 hour before sunrise), its nearly impossible to see anything, much less judge a legal ram and shoot the thing.

Chuker, you're going to hear a lot of people gripe about the UL areas like Zigga has. If you're serious about the UL areas and apply yourself, you can be successful on some really good rams. The rams typically dont score that well, but if you shoot a ram in the 8+ year old range, it will be a nice looking ram with lots of character and likely score in the 160-170 range. Many 3/4 curl rams are shot that are only 4-5 years old and those type of sheep should not be shot IMO.

If you can keep a good attitude and hunt as much as possible...good things could happen.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-07 AT 07:48PM (MST)[p]Buzz,

Show us a picture of your goat, please. You are right, maybe the guy shot 23 minutes before legal shooting time. It was in the 90's so maybe my memory is failing me. I went 7 consecutive years in the same unit and had a great time but it wasn't worth not getting bonus points for the better once in a lifetime draw units we have nowadays. I am not speaking for all unlimited units either.

If you go, hire a guide. Good luck.

Heres a picture of my Montana MT Goat.

Saw over 60 goats before taking this one. Spent 15 days hunting them...good times.


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