montana special draw

What a wonderful day for a big game draw... or better yet, a Super tag drawing! Come-on Montana!!! Let's do it...

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.
Thomas Jefferson
I know the Super tag drawing is today, when I just went to my drawing status & check my numbers, one of them was red bold font. WTH does that mean? It just can't be can it? Nah.
Wouldn't that be Awesome! Which tag do you want to draw?

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.
Thomas Jefferson
Mine also shows one red set of numbers per species. I know this isn't good otherwise I would have 2 Mtn. Goat SuperTags. I still have quite a few numbers that are black so I hope the draw isn't over...
I have one red and 3 blacks, obviously we all are not the super tag winners so obviously red means nothing in the grand scenario but does mean something somewhere. Then again the results are not posted.......maybe reds are the winners...dun dun dun .......did this happen last year....dun dun dun
Which part is red and which is black? All of my titles are black but the Show/Hide chances are red. If I click on the + sign the numbers that are exposed are all red.

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.
Thomas Jefferson
I have 1 more Deer bonus point than I started with. Looks like the festivities are under way!
So I'm guessing the points are updated? Anyone know what max elk points are after this draw?
>So I'm guessing the points are
>updated? Anyone know what max
>elk points are after this

8 if you didn't get drawn.
Hmmm that's weird I have 7 elk points, should have max sure it's 8? Anybody drawn anything good?
Ah, gotcha...I'm hoping to see a zero by the end of the day!! They are just killin' me with this. Doesn't help I have a buddy out in the field texting me every hour or two asking if it's posted yet...
bet it will be this evening. waiting on antelope myself. i can remember several times in the past the drawings were not posted till later in the evening. good luck to all.
1 more deer point for me, That is all they have drawn thus far..I dont expect anyting else other than Antelope since I have 3 points.
Anxious John?

It's killing me too. I'd love to be a fly on the wall just to hear these idiots snickering about making us wait. **ckers!
Don't know why I'm so worked up probably didn't draw my tag anyway, but there's always the chance...
WTF let just finish it already. How much longer we gota wait. It seems like all the other states have no problem posting all the results in the same day. Dang I can't wait any more.:'(
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-10 AT 04:58PM (MST)[p]Past
Deer-B Tuesday-successful (Knew I would be though)


Elk-Wednseday-probably unsuccessful
Elk B-Thursday-About a 25% chance
Antelope-Friday-with 3 points I am praying for this tag this year.
>I don't think they have done
>anything today.

They drew doe tags earliers, and are doing some elk permits right now.
No Elk tag for me, no deer tag for me, no sheep, goat or moose either.

No Wyoming deer or elk. No Colorado deer or elk. No Utah deer elk or moose. No Oregon deer, elk, sheep or antelope. No NM elk or deer. No super tags. No raffle tags, etc......

My lone draw is a Wyoming antelope tag I paid $530+ for.

Thank goodness for MT general season tags.

Good luck to the rest of you.
My prediction so far is correct

Elk today, unsuccessful
Elk b thursday, probably unsuccessful

come on antelope on friday.

no special deer, no special elk, no moose, no sheep, no goat, no utah deer, did get a deer b, maybe will get a elk b, hoping for the lope.

Yes eagle eye thank god for MT general tags.
No elk b,

I wonder what the odds looked like this year since everyone started at 0 points. 1 point for me next year.
3 years in row on the 700 Montana antelope!!!!!!!!!

Now trying to figure out how to keep my job with the following lineup...

WY.......Archery Elk
KS.......Archery Whitetail Deer
IA.......Archery Whitetail Deer
SD.......Rifle any deer
IA.......Muzzleloader Whitetail
NM.......WSMR Oryx
NM.......Barbary Sheep

Still have the SD antelope draw remaining!
I waited four years this time for my antelope tag. nothing else but deer b and general tags
RE: Montana special draw

No antelope this year Bummer
I did get a "B" deer
AND a bull elk tag for 410
YUP At last.

well there you go

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Montana Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Bearpaw Outfitters

Mule deer, whitetail, antelope, buffalo, and prairie dogs on private ranch leases totaling about 100,000 acres.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, whitetail and antelope and manage our ranches for top quality.

Vargo Hunting

Top quality bear, antelope and free range bison hunts on the Crow Indian Res. Turkey and cougar as well.

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