montana sheep video



LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-12 AT 05:54PM (MST)[p]I went up to a spot in southern montana by west yellowstone and caught these rams close to the road. what do you guys think? score? shooters? this is my first time posting video so if it doesn't work I could use a little help.

only got to see the one ram but looks to be a shooter to me. really thick. im going to throw a guess of 160 ish
It is pretty tough to tell how good those rams are based on limited views with the video. They certainly look more similar to the Wyoming genetics than the Montana sheep further north.
I've been struggling to learn how to judge sheep score now for almost ten years, and I think I still stink at it, but in my eyes those would be marginal shooters, depending on what else is in the area. I would also want to try to age them to make sure they are older rams before I pulled the trigger.
At any rate, it is always fun to look at sheep. Keep the videos coming.
Nice video clips. I made that drive acouple days ago and saw some sheep on the hillsides by the road. Near Big Sky. Didnt see any rams though. Think those sheep are the ones that winter there from the unlimited sheep units close by. Got to be careful around that area driving, seen sheep actually on the road on other drives through the area had to dodge.
these sheep were by quake lake and I did here that they come from the unlimited area and or the park. I love to see those rams and I hope this is my year to get a tag here in ID. Do any of you guys know why my video looks a little grainy? when I look at it on the camera it looks a little clearer.

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