Montana Sheep Help



I have seen the topic discussed before about the Montana unlimited districts. I was wondering if there are any modern books on the subject or specific people in the know that can help. With the skyrocketing prices of sheep hunts my 2007 dall hunt will most likely be my last guided sheep hunt. Thanks in advance.
There definately are some unl areas in MT but if you plan on doing one, you better plan on LOTS of scouting and time in the field. There are not a large # of Legal rams in those areas and the hunting is tough. The main thing is that there is a quota and typically it takes about a week or two before season is closed. Meaning you will want to spend a few weeks in scouting and have your ram found before season starts.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-06 AT 09:07AM (MST)[p]Jack Atcheson Jr was the guy to talk to. There are a few old threads and a current one on bowsite regarding the unlimiteds. I googles it once and found a good message board where it was discussed at length, can't remember the name of it. I haave a couple stories written by people who hunted the unlimiteds, one is here:

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
Wow, sounds to me like that guy got LUCKY. Those are tough hunts and for every story like that there are hundreds that are no where near as good!

Good for him, those are tough hunts and I have often considered them, canada rocky mnt hunts are WAY to pricey for me.

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