Montana sheep and goat


Active Member
Can anybody tell me if the point system is worth it in Montana for sheep and goat, do points really increase your drawing odds ?
Thanks martinc, I've been thinking of getting into the MT game as well, but haven't asked yet. I'll be watching this to see what gets posted.
This may be common knowledge, but I believe you are entered into the draw even with 0 points, and the more points you have the "better" your odds of drawing, even though they are pretty bad. As the old saying goes, you can't draw if you don't apply.
I wonder how many points on average it takes to draw....20-30?
Good luck.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but here goes.

The Big 3 (Moose, Sheep, Goat) are on a bonus point system (each bonus point get you another name in the hat). I have heard from others, that it is a waste. Well everyone has an opinion, but mine would be to purchase the point every year. It can do nothing but help my odds of drawing an is not much additional money for an opportunity of a lifetime hunt.

On another note, Montana only recently went back to the point system and those that are maxed out are only carrying 4 points. I suggest get in now.
mtmiller , yep that's the way it works . I pay the extra twenty bucks in hopes for better odds , but also realize it's a sheep tag and odds are still horrible .

I applied online this year and it was a smooth process .

Good luck to all in the draw .
Sheepshooter -
Can nonresidents also apply online?
I quickly flipped throught the hunting regulations booklet and didn't see anything about it.

The point system really does not help much compared to s system with no points for real low draw odds like seen in MT sheep, goat and moose. The reason is that almost everyone gets one more point each year. But it does definitly hurt those with no points. Most people have four points now, so they get five random numbers versus only one for somebody with no points. And yes, everyone can do MT online, they charge the whole amount up front and send you a refund after the draw. They charge an additional 2% of the total plus a $1.50 to do it on-line. With the right rewards card, you might break even, or at least cut the 2% in half.
When I draw 482 this year....hehe... I'm going to float-trip down the river and hunt my Ram or ewe whichever I draw!
I'd say it's worth although I've never drawn, going to this year though! Some of the odds for goat and moose aren't bad, just gotta do the research.
Everybody has a shot in the drawing, weather it be with no points or max points. Basically what it boils down to is if you have say, 4 points then you have 4 times the chance of drawing than the guy with no points, but that really isn't saying much because the guy with 4 points has no better odds of drawing than if they would have if they would have left the drawing system alone i.e. no point system! So its really no reward for putting in year after year.

I would however put in and try ya never know what could happen...

Good luck
Even with points a good NR tag is 3 lifetimes away, odds aare over 1,000:1 and getting worse each year, considering most have max pnts your true odds with 0 points for a good unit are 4,000:1, points will help though, in 30 years very few will still be applying with me and I will have a better chance then most.

Good luck and MT tags are the cheapest and there rams the biggest and you can get points for both for a cost of $20, no brainer go for it!

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