montana results up

Ditto, although my daughter did get her ewe tag. She is 14 and plans to use her bow. A freind that just moved here last year drew a ram tag first try (1 in 125 odds)Gee Im sure happy for him. (at least Im trying to be)
Holy SchmackeeDoodle! I actually drew a tag. Goat hunting this fall. Got lots to learn about it, if anyone has any advice I"m all ears.

Main I have to wait till later in the fall for a real good coat? Not real worried about finding them.

Have to make a big decision....take the Lonbow with 25 yard ability or the '06 with 350???

Ernie: Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What unit? Guess you won't care about deer and elk for a while.
Goat is the tag I always hope for more than all the others. (Including sheep) I have been on a few goat hunts in Western Mt over the years (I just wasnt the tag holder) Of course their coats get better through the fall but take into consideration the terrain and weather limiting (or ending) your hunt. Its a tough call when to go. Its also a tough decision on what to use. I had always planned (if I drew) to use my recurve till mid November and then start packing mabey a contender 35 rem as well. I have snuck up on several within bow range. It can be quite easy if the wind is right and the terrain allows. Some are impossible to get within bow or rifle range of. A freind of mine killed a western Mt billy 2 years ago the last week of Nov. What a coat!!! He had it lifesized. Good luck and be careful. bittersweet
The Moose is loose!!! I drew Unit 100-00, the Upper Yaak, for Shiras Moose. Drawing odds for non-res must have been about 250 to 1. I can't believe it... I finally drew a tag in Montana.

Any advice on hunting "the Yaak" for moose would be greatly appreciated... like, when is the best time to go?

Darn, struck out again.........

Good luck to everyone who have yet to get their results and congratulations to those who have drawn a tag!

Way to go Ernie. I was shot down for both sheep and moose. I guess I can now concentrate on those other draws that are still out there.

As for your goat, I shot mine around October 19 or 20 and the hair was excellent. Depending on your area, it can be a toss up. Wait for good hair or be snowed out. Best of luck and get lots of pics to go with a story. :)
TradO - You suck. lol
OK, just kidding even though you got the tag I wanted! :)
Good luck and post some pics!

326 Joel. SHould be fun.

Hey everyone, I was just like you all, was convinced I'd NEVER draw!! What a shocker! Keep the faith!
Ernie-I drew 326 when I drew the goat, email me and Ill try and help out some, Rued's buddy Mike Lilly drew that tag a few years back as well. Get your legs on that as you know is some of the meanest country in the lower 48.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-05 AT 06:32PM (MST)[p]This was my first year applying in Montanna, I do not have a als number. How can I get the results?
I think you have to wait for the snail mail notification (it will have your # on it). Only other thing I can think to do is to call and find out what your number is.
I'll shoot ya a note Jamie, thanks.

My main question about this hunt is when the good hair will come on! This is high cold country, so might it start coming on in September or do they stay short Surely until mid October??

Maybe an early Oct goat would have "longer" hair, but just not maxed out huh?

I ordered Duncal Gilchrists goat hunting video today, Wooohooo, I'll wear that thing out. Anyone seen it?

Goats have noticably thicker AND longer hair the last half of Nov. Its unreal!
Ernie-I started in early October, the hair was Ok. It definitely got thicker in November.
I have one of his sheep tapes.
Kind of primative,but very real.
I can't believe the guy is dead.
He was a very passionate man.
I know 326 quite well and shot a 9" billy on November 1 a few years ago. The longer hair is definately worth the wait. I wouldn't even go before November 1st. Just fly the area the day before you go and you can save yourself a lot of headaches and wasted time, weather permitting.

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