montana pronghorn


Just wondering if anybody else is waiting for the draw results, I called m f&w and they said the drawing is tomorrow and will be posted over the weekend. Good luck, post your results
I guess I'm going on my first antelope hunt in October. I drew 481-00

good luck to everyone.
I drew 530-00 as well. Will you be hunting Muleys in the same unit? Good Luck!
Well looks like I'm the odd man out, I didn't draw, really a bummer since I was going to take my dad on a first ever big game hunt (he's in his mid-60's) I have to give him the bad news today.Atleast I did draw for mulie/pronghorn in Wy. Good luck to all!
That would make us the "Odd couple out" then. Not to dissapointing for me. Was hoping my daughters would draw though, I put them in for an area with very few tags but minimal hunting pressure so we would have a good experience.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-05 AT 09:35AM (MST)[p]I've got 700 tag Montana hoping to get a South Dakota also, then that make a good hunt out of it, for the gas prices to day.

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