Montana Moose


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]I didn't take these pics but I have seen this guy for the last 7 years now. Someday I will draw but the problem is he loves private property. I had a perfect setup on him a few years ago with my bow but no tag. He keeps hiding his sheds on me too. This is for those of you with moose tags this year.


Thats a giant. what part of the state are you in? the only moose ive ever seen that big in montana was near wisdom.
Just north of the west entrance of YNP. He's only been a shooter for 3 years now and doesn't look much different really. Maybe next year I'll draw. Hopefully he'll still be around. I'm waiting for him to get more browtines. I'll try to find some old pics of him.
I saw a bull similar to your pictures on the flats, north of the west entrance, is this the same area you seen him?
Zigga...I would love to see some more pics of him just to see how he has progressed.You're right he has everything except the palmated brow. I was one of those lucky enough to draw a moose tag in montana this year. I drew unit 100,the yaak area.Season opens sat. the 15th. ROGER
Zigga, very pretty bull, pretty shape and points. I'd give him 38" spread, around 140" in score. Nicer than his score. I'd hold for something wider, more points, and better palms. They get bigger in Montana. :D
Hey spaz,

I thought you said the predators killed all the animals? Please share pics if you got them. Someday I will draw a tag and the more experience judging them the better.
Zigga they didn't kill all of them, but they've been damn hard on them in a lot of units. Look at the trend in tag numbers in the upper Gallatin. It's rotten.

I'll show you some pictures of a moose hopefully soon. I have a moose tag in my pocket. :D I could use a little luck though.

You lucky bastad. What unit? I'd ask if you need help but then I'd know where you hunt and would probably broadcast it all over the www. Good luck! Send pics.

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