Montana Moose unit 312


Long Time Member
Got very lucky and drew a bull moose take for unit 312 just north of Bozeman. I usually put in for one of the north west units, but since my daughter will be starting school at MSU I applied for a unit where she could join me. Looking forward to having her join me on my hunt over Thanksgiving. Have any of you elk and deer hunters seen any good moose the last few years in 312 or 393 and willing to share some information? Thanks in advance for any help.

Congrats on the tag. I have no info that area in order to assist in that reguards, but wish you good luck on the hunt. Good to see your plans envolve having your daughter joining you.
Congrats Bill on the draw. I have a friend who drew one this year I think up there too or maybe it was WY will check with him and get back to you.

Brian did you have any luck drawing a Wyoming antelope tag? We did not draw our buck tags, just doe antelope tags. Looking forward to hunting with my kids on our way up to drop Karen off at MSU and do a quick scout trip for moose.

I am going to get cleaned up and leave in about an hour and will stop by for a few minutes if you are home. YES, we drew our Lopes Buck tags and will be headed up to Daniels, WY for the opener on Sept 10th.


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