Montana Moose, Sheep, and Mountain Goat Open

I'm waiting for the Hunti'n Fool to come out with their picks so I know what everyone else is doing.

I have max points for everything in MT, I wish that meant something.

Stay thirsty my friends
Does it seem like they really cut the units nonresidents can apply for? Plus high nonrefundable application fees? I'm not thinking they will issue as many nonresident tags and will keep more money.
I have max points for sheep and moose as a resident in Montana. I don't feel very optomistic. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-15 AT 08:31PM (MST)[p]Max points means we have been applying for a very long time unsuccessfully. No points only BS in MT. I'd have max points if they started points 20 years earlier! Wait, they did. Then stopped. Then started again! They could turn into nothing with one years decision... I wish I could find a sucker to sell them to :)
I looked at the detailed drawing stats and they actually show people with points draw regularly. However, the odds are still dismal. mtmuley
With the new fee structure in MT the odds should improve. how much and when I'm not sure.

Has anyone found the stats to see how many sane people dropped out last year? for what it costs now if the odds don't improve drastically we're idiots for staying in.

Stay thirsty my friends
>With the new fee structure in
>MT the odds should improve.
>how much and when I'm
>not sure.
>Has anyone found the stats to
>see how many sane people
>dropped out last year?
>for what it costs now
>if the odds don't improve
>drastically we're idiots for staying
>Stay thirsty my friends

IMO the dismal NR odds are only going to get worse since you can now get into the draw for $70 instead of having to front the entire $755 tag fee. I have max points for everything as well. At some price point the odds don't justify the expense, and for me I am almost there in Montana...

I agree, it's pretty much a suckers bet.

I figured I'd play a couple years and if enough people don't drop ut I will. I might be dumb but I'm not crazy.

Stay thirsty my friends
I burnt my max points on a Ewe tag as it is a sad reality of never drawing a Ram tag.

I have 2 Rocky Ram's on the wall already so it didn't hurt to bad! ha

Rob ewe or ram I expect some good photos come this fall. Be safe and have one heck of a hunt.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams

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