
Looks like I drrew my area by Libby!! Cant' wait to go. Why is the results up one minute and down the next on the internet site?? Any body else have luck in the draw??
I've been checking every 5 minutes for the last 3 days and everything is still pending. Congrats TradO!
I hope this doesn't mean that they have only posted the positive so far. Congrats Trado. The only bad thing s that was where I was trying for, so thats one less tag.
If yours are being switched from "pending" you are the only one in the state that has drawn tonight. If it pops up successful again, push print quick before they take it away.

life IS good
LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-06 AT 04:22AM (MST)[p]I've checked on a dozen friends and relatives and EVERYONE is still pending. Send us a copy of your application results TradO so we know what it looks like. I wish the F&G would stop screwing with us.

I'd sure like an interest free loan!
haven't been able to see the results on computer since then, but if you call they will tell you. my brother drew a sheep tag in the same place I did last yere... woohoo..
What unit was your sheep tag? Post pics please. I will be wearing plastic hips before I draw for sheep.
ziga, it was in 680 breaks permit. I didn't get a sheep but only was abot to go for one weekend. didn't see any rams but I no they are some there.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-06 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]TradO,

You and your brother are officially the only two people on the planet that have results out. I've checked at least 100 other people and everyone is pending. I called and they said they can't tell me. I can't take it anymore!
680 and no sheep? No rams? One weekend? You make me sad, please utilize your moose tag.

life IS good

I have 3 more bonus points!

AK for moose for me in Sept.

life IS good
After 25 years and 3 different states, I finally drew a resident moose permit.

Anyone out there have some intel on unit 320, I'd appreciate it.

I'm doing some long-distance scouting from here in Baghdad, but the visibility is limited from here...

Best wishes for y'all---hope your blessed with successful draws or increased bonus points!

God bless MONTANA.
It looks like its Alaska if I want to hunt moose this year unless I draw a raffle WA or my wife or Dad get drawn. Not the best odds in the planet. I had better start saving gas money. Alaska Hiway here I come.

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