Montana Moose, Goat, Sheep


Long Time Member
Regs are out, start applying..........and hurry. Deadline is May 1. Just trying to worsen my own odds I guess.
I applied online a couple of hours ago and it was very easy. $32.28 in convenience fees for 2 species but with CO holding my extra hunting $$$, I had to do it. Besides, I'll get $15 of it back as I used my Cabelas card.
Thanks Zigga.....

I'm waiting to see if I draw my Mont. combo tag and then I'll go with my sheep from there.....

I like the overlap hunting type deal for species, get to know the unit and species real well.....

Thsoe Unlimited units just keep coming at me for hunting... ha
I will be applying in Montana this year but I hope I don't get drawn as I have other hunts already planned.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to which sheep, goat, and moose units I could apply for in Montana which offer terrible odds but great critters? I'll be more than happy just to build preference points this year. But, if I get lucky and draw a Montana sheep, goat, or moose tag, then it will be a high quality hunt that I'll just have to make plans for. Any suggestions and/or recommendations are welcomed and appreciated.

Under Plan A Hunt on the MT website they show odds for specific units. Since there aren't all that any units a NR can apply for, trial and error should get you a couple good choices. If you need more specific info, PM me
I thought NR sheep odds started at 500:1

most units are 1000:1 or worse so pick almost anyone to get a point!

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