Montana Moose, Goat and Sheep Deadline Past!

So what did most put in for??

I did Ram unit 421.....ewe unit 124.....max. BoGus point pool--big deal!ha

I've got a shiras on the wall and a billie too, so didn't apply for them........

The rules clearly state that if you mention mounts, you have to post them. Let's see them and here specifics.

I put my nephew in for a ewe tag, so hopefully we will be having sheep backstrap very soon. As for me, Im not holding my breath.
323 moose

Between Idaho,Colorado, and Nevada running out of available/disposable cash, and still have to apply for Oregon before the 15th.

LAST EDITED ON May-02-06 AT 08:54AM (MST)[p]124-00, 124-30 sheep and 316-00 goat

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
The points will help a little, it's like buying 5 lottery tickets instead of one. makes it a slam dunk, that's my thinking since I have max points too.
I missed a few years and started applying again in 2004, so I dont quite have max points. My Mother actually has max points for moose so hopefully she gets drawn this year, and I sure wont complain if I draw something either!. I will be tickled just to get something besides a B-tag.
Well, I certainly don't plan my fall to include a moose, sheep, or goat hunt although I can't wait for the day when I can. I too have max points along with thousands of others. Hopefully some year I will draw.
100 for sheep and 393 mnt goat (I think) 1 shy of max pnts, might help a little.

CC apps started this year, I bet NR odds tumble, hopefully not though.
>100 for sheep and 393 mnt
>goat (I think) 1 shy
>of max pnts, might help
>a little.
>CC apps started this year, I
>bet NR odds tumble, hopefully
>not though.

CC apps have been available to NR for at least the last two years, maybe three.
Heading North to AK for moose this year, although I too have max pts for everything here. Watch me draw a moose in the Bighole now. Geuss Id have to make it happen.

life IS good

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