Montana Liceses

>they should lower the price!

Or maybe not require the use of an outfitter with that pool of 5,500 tags.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
I'm not sure what the exact number is, Craig.

I do agree with the comment that the price should be lowered.

The idea of taking away the outfitter sponsored license is a whole other topic and is being attempted via I-161 in Montana.

Raghorn Hunting Services
[email protected]
They are over priced, have been for a few years but if you want to hunt some of the prime private land you're gonna have to pay.

7 Mag
Nope Montana limits the number of outfitter tags which is a good thing & i hope they don't sell them out.

7 Mag
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-10 AT 11:41AM (MST)[p]>Nope Montana limits the number of
>outfitter tags which is a
>good thing & i hope
>they don't sell them out.
>7 Mag

Mag - They are unlimited. They are oversold more often than undersold.

The price is set to hit a target of 5,500 sales, but that is not a hard cap. They could sell 20,000 if the NR demand was enough to sell that many, and there were enough outfitters to take those NRs.

Lots of people would like to see a hard cap on that numbers, myself included.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
Fin, I didn't know that, i thought the cap was 5500, thanks for the clarification.

7 Mag
Is there anything on the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks website yet. I've been looking and can't find anything. When will these tags be available for purchase?

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