Montana FnG dropping the ball again......still.

soooo.....who exactly are you mad at zigger?....and why exactly??

Looks like the owner of the dog should get a ticket for animal at large. Don't they have leash laws in MT? haha Of all the things in life to worry about, this is in the bottom 5% for me.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-10 AT 10:06PM (MST)[p]
>soooo.....who exactly are you mad at
>zigger?....and why exactly??

Ummm, the fact that wild animals roam streets. Would you let your kid ride their bike down the sidewalk? Seems blatantly obvious to me, but I'm fairly simple. The deer belong outside of town. Let me know when you finally catch on....I'll be waiting.

Basic public safety is the bottom 5% of your concerns? WOW!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-10 AT 10:11PM (MST)[p]
"Seems blatantly obvious to me, but I'm fairly simple"

Don't be so modest, you're a shining beacon of blithering ignorance!

The only thing the deer could've done better was kick that cat into next week.
Would it be any different if it was a wolf attacking a deer? I dont agree with it but the mother was doing what mothers do. Sure this doe has prob seen wolves or coyotes before.. Maybe we can use this send it to animal rights activists and they will hate deer and let us hunt them


has anyone seen my kittie
LOL Zigga is afraid of the deer! What a #####!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!

Where did you first use the term FnG?

Oh yea, if it was my dog I would have shot the doe , to protect my dog, full well knowing, I would be cited for poaching, shoot in the city limits, etc. and the fawn would have died, I know.

I am a non hunter, I haven't killed a big game animal, since 1970, but before I let something, I couldn't negoitate with,
kill my dog, I would stop it the fastest and surest way I could. Shout, wave my arms, etc, 2 seconds max, no reaction, bang.

I would hate it, but I would do it to save my dog, and anything else I cared about.

Steve Cheuvront
Apparently I'm the only one that has a kid that likes to play outside. I could care less about the dog and cat other than the fact I'm a little shocked that someone would video tape their cat drooling all over a fawn and letting Fido roam the streets with a fawn in the neighborhood. I have far more respect for wild animals than you nutjobs obviously and as usual I have to explain myself. Wild animals belong in the wild. I hate to see them get domesticated and worse yet, I hate to see someone get trampled when it could have been avoided.

If these were feral dogs it would be a quick fix but for whatever reason the deer will stay until some kid pays the price. Amazing!
There oughtta be a law! I bet if the FnG started passing out citations with stiff jail sentences those Fng animals would stop roaming the streets like a bunch of thugs!

Zigga, your response is so typical. You and your ilk always expect someone else to take care of you even to the point of being ridiculpous.
We are actually the one's that don't belong there, the deer were there first. It is just too bad that it wasn't a buck and impaled the cat/dog. Just curious how would deer be kept out of towns? BTW, if my dog was haraasing a deer, I would shoot the dog before thedeer!
Deer should also only cross where the signs say its ok to do so.

Wild animals should be fenced off of the highways.

Boy, it would be a much safer place these days if there were no wild animals.

I say write the dog owner a ticket for dog at large, because it was obviosly not in the owner's control.

Also, until people decide to STOP moving into wild country, there are going to be wild animals where the people move.

"I just moved into prime winter ground. There are deer destroying my trees, and a mountain lion walked through my yard. Can I shoot the lion and the deer?"

Huh, what, DUH???!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-10 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]...we all have a very much clearer picture of you now should be posting on Jenn's mommy board...

So... people move into areas that are inhabited by wild animals and we're supposed to exterminate the wild animals for the safety of the people? Zigga, you really should move to San Francisco. You can walk down the street in your assless chaps and no wild animals will attack you and you'll fit right in.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
I think I'll stay right where I'm at & take my chances with wild animals!
If my MUTT gets his ass stomped by a Deer We'll just say he got too close to the Deer!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Zigga, maybe you could post signs around the outside of your town warning all the wild animals to stay out.

Yea, the FnG should start patrolling city streets looking for wild animals instead of being out in the woods looking for poachers. Like what someone else already said, why don't you move to San Francisco, you'll fit right in.
So shooting the deer in city limits wouldn't fix the problem? Wow, I solved the problem with that one thought. Too bad the FnG won't push for it. They will sit on their hands until a kid gets stomped. There's some huge bucks that could get relocated to needed areas too. So what would you clowns do if the deer were feral dogs? Let them run wild?? Didn't think so. It would be open season. That reminds me, I used to shoot dogs that were chasing deer and running wild. Good times.
I live for the "yer stoopedd" comments from you ultimate tool bags. You keep coming back and I thank you for that. LMAO!!! You can't stay away when you see a zigga post can you?

I called the FnG about this twice and couldn't talk to a competent person. That is what is so funny. I asked them why they think there are mountain lion sightings several times a year and they couldn't tell me for sure. I doubt the fuzzy little fawns have anything to do with it. Sure the deer were there first but so were the lions, bears, coyotes, wolves etc. It's not like Helena is inside YNP. The first sighting of a bear in the area gets attention but the bear and lion attractant doesn't create any concerns. Frickin hilarious. The cute harmless little deer are going to get somebody in trouble and no one can see it coming. But their soooo cute. I'll check back in for more love from you ladies.

Miss me.
zigga zigga,
We got a few local JOKERS around here that need their asses kicked like that deer kicked that MUTT!

Every time I see a Deer working something over I think about the Stick Flipper that talked his wife in to filming him all scented up,she didn't want to do it,took months of sweet talkin her in to it,I'll give her one credit,she filmed the whole thing while a Deer worked her Husband over but proper!

It's not a perfect world,not even Tards can make it perfect!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-10 AT 07:05AM (MST)[p]Zigga, not many people can claim they have had to fend a deer off, I have..not 1 time, but 2. That said, get a frikken grip man.

Put yourself in the FnG's shoe's, hunts in a large town are a PR nightmare, use ur damn head for a change.Or move to NYC, I hear they have the rogue wildlife all but whipped there, unless ur afraid of pigeons pecking ur eyes out, which is possible i guess...damn wildlife, aint no place safe anymore.
Don't make fun of Zigga. Just the other day I was on my way to work and a racoon crossed the street in front of me. Thank goodness I had my cell phone and was able to call 911.

Im usually on the other side of the fence from Zigga on alot of issues, but I have to agree with him on this one. I lived in Downtown Helena for a couple years and now live just north of there. I love to look at deer as much as the next nut on this site, but having rutting deer in town is NOT safe. They are conditioned to being around humans and can be aggressive. The problem is the liberal nuts in town that dont want the deer removed. Oh and this hasnt been winter range since the 1860's.

That sounds serious, I sure hope zigga dont get raped by one of those rutt crazed bucks.
>That sounds serious, I sure hope
>zigga dont get raped by
>one of those rutt crazed
The posting of a true asshat.
If it was my kid out playing in the Street the deer wouldn't have to kick his ass I would. Now if my Kid was playing behind the fence in the backyard, I'm hoping I had impressed on them that they don't pickup snakes,scorpions,black Widow spiders,baby deer,bear cubs,racoon pups,mountain lion cubs Zigga are you starting to see the point.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Don't make fun of Zigga. Just
>the other day I was
>on my way to work
>and a racoon crossed the
>street in front of me.
>Thank goodness I had my
>cell phone and was able
>to call 911.

Gotta watch them coons Eel...Some of them are packin'...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>If it was my kid out
>playing in the Street the
>deer wouldn't have to kick
>his ass I would. Now
>if my Kid was playing
>behind the fence in the
>backyard, I'm hoping I had
>impressed on them that they
>don't pickup snakes,scorpions,black Widow spiders,baby
>deer,bear cubs,racoon pups,mountain lion cubs
>Zigga are you starting to
>see the point.
>"I have found if you go
>the extra mile it's Never

You don't have any kids do you? You don't live in a town of 30,000 people either I'm guessing. You starting to see the point?

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