Montana draws



Who's putting in for MT goat, sheep, and moose, and where ya'll putting in for? Got a good feeling about this year
At least I'm a resident with lots of bonus points for all the species. I guess loose lips sink draw odds.
328 Moose
Missouri Breaks Sheep..

I think I used up all my MOJO in this is just a dream
Draw deadline is over.

Here's what I put in for:

Breaks Sheep
Beartooth Goat
Boulder Moose

Lady friend put in for
Breaks Sheep
Highland Mts Goat
Beartooth Moose

Anyone ever draw one of these tags? Good luck to all.
Ravalli Co. Sheep
Beaverhead Co. Moose
Madison Co. Mnt. Goat

Anaconda Sheep, Upper Bighole Moose, Bridger Goat. That sheep tag is mine for sure this year.

LAST EDITED ON May-05-07 AT 12:50PM (MST)[p]240 for goat
2?? for moose
203 for sheep

hey eagle eye, there isnt a highland goat tag anymore, hope you didnt put in thinking there was.
451 goat
332-20 moose
124 sheep

Got 6 points going into the draw.

Best shot i have is the moose tag. Rest are just a dream.

But hey, someone has to draw!!
455 Ram

No moose or goat, already have 'em on the wall so give someone else a chance to draw and hunt. (although my sheep-sharing logic is different!)


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