Montana Block Mgmnt Program



I'm hunting antelope with my bow on a ranch north of Big Timber. I would like to have a 2nd or 3rd option if possible. Does anyone know much in the way of Block Managment possibilities in that general area? Thanks for any and all help.

Never hunted any BMA's in the area you are describing but MT FWP puts out regional booklets with contact info of all BMA's in that region. They are usually available in August if i remember right. The area you are hunting should be region 5 (I think) so contact the Billings office and they will send you one when it is available. Good luck.
August 15th
Maybe 'nohawk' will see this as he hunted 'lopes last year on BM options... he got quite a bit of knowledge on how it works..

I have last years books, but can answer some questions for you,Basicly you look in the books that come out in August in the area you plan to hunt, then call the Office and they give you the name and a contact number to call for the individual landowner. They will only give you 5 numbers at a time, so pick carefully.

There are two types of block management,

The type 1, first come first served. this type you drive to the access point and they have a log you have to sign in, they usually allow 6 or 8 people to hunt per day. you sign in and head out. some places are walk in access only and others you are able to drive into. NO CAMPING, it is day to day.

Type 2, reservations. you call the landowner and make reservations for a certain period, usually 3-5 days. The landowner decides how many hunters they will allow. some will let you camp on their land and others will not.

I prefer type 2 areas as I have to drive up from Utah and don't want to take a chance that I will not be able to get into a type 1 area.
They are usually a lot of opening in reservations for Antelope, but the Deer reservations fill up fast, like with-in 2 days I notices in the 700 region, but I had the whole month of archery season to myself and no others on the unit I picked.

any other questions PM me if you would like.

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