Montana Bird hunting season

Very cool NeMont. Very cool.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
Very nice pictures and a great presentation, nothing is better than good upland bird hunting.

With all those pheasant and sharptail to hunt I can't believe you go after those winged vermin.

Our goose season goes about until the end of the month to try to keep them out of the crops some, do you have much damage from them up there? I hate the things.
The geese really are hard on the crops down in the valley. We are getting more and more resident geese that never leave. I enjoy chasing them and my primary hunting buddy is bitten by the waterfowling bug so I tag along to help set up decoys.

Plus it is alot easier to get on places to hunt when you tell them you want to kill geese rather then hunt pheasants. I could have filled a limit of sharptail today but alas the season is over.

Doesn't Oregon limit goose hunting because of the dusky geese?

We get some duskys over here but Fish and Wildlife only recognizes them in western Oregon, it's a pain for the hunters over there but here on the east side it's no concern.

You're right about getting on to hunt them, I let lots of people go on my place just so I don't have to chase them out of the fields myself. my brother in law has killed over 100 so far this year and he will probably get a few dozen more before season is over. I just can't get into waterfowling, our chuckar season goes until the end of the month so that's what I do.

I wish we had pheasant again like we did when I was a kid and I wish we had some of your sharptail, I hunted them once in Montana and they were strange birds to hunt. they either held like glue or jumped wild a mile away, but lots of fun.
Nice photos NeMont. Don't let Kilowatt see that old car. LOL

We hunt Aleutians over here on the coast. There's a special late season end of Feb. into March. They are tough to hunt though. Very decoy shy. We tried the layout blinds but it's like being wrapped up in a white sheet. They just don't fall for it. Pit blinds are illegal. Our best hunts last year were spot and stalk, but they have to be in the right place for that.

We're going to try and hone our skills some this year.


We have found that decoy shy birds generally are not shy of the decoys but of your hide. When possible we try to set up on an edge where we can get into a dike or ditch. We have layout blinds but don't always use them. We use goose chairs alot of the times in the field and have shot hundreds of geese using them.

Also on decoy shy birds we do not flag and often do not call. Scout the day ahead of time and try to observe EXACTLY where the birds are. Get there before they do and make certain nobody even twitches a muscle when the birds are coming. Late season success is very rewarding.


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