Montana Bighorn



LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-06 AT 02:49PM (MST)[p]I was fortunate to take this 9.5 year old ram on 11/10/06. During the first couple of days of my hunt I looked at 35+ class IV rams. The rut was in full swing and the rams were really fighting for the right to pass on their genes. My ram green scores 180. It was truly the hunt of a lifetime.
You can't draw the tag if you don't apply!!




Your smile says it all. We can tell you had a great hunt.

Congrats on a ram of a lifetime.
I wondered when that pic might show up here....I had to sit on it when someone who was with you sent 'em to me the other day.

Awesome ram!!
Yep.......I am jealous!
Congratulations on a animal of a lifetime!!! And yeh, how about a story?! :)

WOW!!!! Dude, that is an awesome ram!!
That is the reason I want to move to MT ASAP!!

congrats on a wonderful ram.. he is perfect.
CA- You have the occasion to hunt with LA and BM too, huh?

They are great friends and great guides, I love it when I get an opportunity to use 'em!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-06 AT 04:28PM (MST)[p]Yes, I had what I consider to be the best sheep guides in the business. LA & BM are as good as it gets.
I am still trying desperately to train my boonie hat like BM's.....I believe it might help my success rate! LOL

Seriously, I love those guys. Not a finer pair to be in the woods with...

wmm, I'm so jealous...SOMEDAY I'll have a tag!
Pred, I was on the goat hunt immediately before your sheep hunt. I can only imagine some of the stories they told about my hunt. I think BM thought I was nuts to pass up the billy I did. I imagine you all had a few chuckles at my expense.

I'd love to hunt with them again, hopefully soon.
What I actually meant to say was I was on the goat hunt immediately prior to WMM/s sheep hunt, not Predators. Didn't realize you both posted. Awesome ram, WMM.
I was wishing I was on any sheep hunt before anyone else's sheep hunt...LOL

The goat hunt was enough as it is!!

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