Montana bans trail camera devices



Just read on another site where Montana has banned the use of motion tracking devices and/or camera devices during any hunting season.

"It is illegal for a person to possess or use in the field any electronic or camera device who's purpose is to scout the location of game animals or relay the information on a game animal's location or movement during any Commission adopted hunting season" Page 10 of the regs.

Not sure if or when other Western states may adopt this rule but at least in Montana it appears that trail cams can still be used for scouting purposes prior to the hunting season.
Interesting. Just imagine what this would do to other Western states like Arizona!

"Dear MacGuyver, Enclosed is a rubber band, a paper clip, and a drinking straw. Please save my dog." Peter Griffin aka The Family Guy

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

No more sitting on my couch in the comfort of my home and getting a text pix sent directly from my trailcams anymore? What's this world coming too and how will i ever know if anything is using my water holes?? ;-)

All joking aside...
I thought trailcams were pertty neat at first, but they are getting a little to "easy".[/IMG]
If/when Idaho sets up public input on something similar........I'm certainly not going to argue. Unless others can explain something I doubt can be explained, I think I would cheer if we'd do similar.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Makes you wonder if other states will follow suit. I'm on the fence with this but, I am leaning more and more to the MT side. Seems that some areas, you run the risk of being an internet sensation just by taking a leak in the woods!
I think it is a good move. Time to put more hunt, back in the hunting game.
It is pretty well acknowledged that scouting from a plane is an unsportsmanlike activity. Is it really that different to run multiple scouting cameras at every water hole "looking for the big one"? Go find it the old fashioned way, hoof it.

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
I hope the rest of the states follow suit. I'll bet trail cam manufacturers are a little uneasy.
I like it too. Hope other states follow their lead. The animals have nowhere to hide anymore. There has got to be a line drawn somewhere. Hopefully this will be a start.
I like them. Its more of a fun to see whats there thing for me. I dont ever really hunt over them. But where I hunt its VERY thick. Hard to scout very much because you cant ever see anything. To each his own I guess.

respect my authorita
Trail cams?? Who needs them? When you can have unlimited guide to hunter ratios, I just hire a guide service with a huge team of guides with all their "eyes" out there in the woods for me. It works great - they locate the biggest scoring animal in the unit, surround it, corner it, block off all the roads leading into the area, intimidate other hunters who may happen upon the area, and then I swoop in for the kill shot. Hunting is so easy.
I see absolutley no harm in it what so ever, yeah its easy so what its neat to see whats out in the woods. So Instead of walking in and checking a simple camera any time of the day people want others to start covering tons of ground again bumping into animals pushing them out of their beds and basically just pressure them again. I thought trail cams were a great way to not constantly pressure animals.
I can't see what a freekin camera out in the back woods is going to hurt. Hell road hunting is easy to maybe they ought to ban that.
So who is going to regulate this? I'll bet I could put out a dozen cameras and nobody would catch me. How could you get caught really? Do people put their name and address on these? Seriously, I don't know nor do I use them but I'm not seeing this stop anyone.
Good point southslope! I always thought trail cams were low impact too. Plus, if it is just during the season that you can't have them, you can pretty much pattern an animal well enough anway if you have the cams placed in the right places - so will it really make a difference if you don't have the cam during the season anyway?

Zigga - I agree - one more thing for already over-burdened Wildlife LEO's to worry about. I doubt it will be a top priority for them. They will probably get the idiots that place them 10 feet off the road, but those that are truly back in, maybe not.

Interesting law.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
South......roadhunting IS illegal. Also not ethical, not fair-chase and guaranteed to convert non-hunters into anti-hunters.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I'm thinking this may be an issue of the cameras photographing people (during hunting season when more people are out in the hills). Maybe more of a privacy issue than a "putting more hunt back in to hunting" issue.
I know of allot of folks that don't think modern weapons used to kill animals is very fair either......where the heck is this all going to end?? I can't believe so many are so happy to give up another right.Until its something you like being taken away I guess it doesn't matter than does it....
This is'nt a new law in montana, infact two years ago I spoke with the fish and game about this law.
I love scouting with my camaras and look forward at seeing all the wildlife that shows up, however I am totally against the use of them during hunting season especially the ones that can send the pictures via the internet.
The issue is'nt them taking away another right, the issue is ETHICS. Not everyone has moral courage and integrity let alone Ethics that is why we have laws its not the majority it is the minority that cause these laws to come into effect. Fair Chase is the only way.
Right on. Now the drier states (AZ, NV, UT, NM) where animals are tied directly to water need to follow Montana's example. Especially on cameras that you can check from your living room.
do what they will but I will still put them up on MY OWN ranch! They will not tell me what I can and can't do on my own land when it comes to this. (atleast I'm not gonna listen) They already govern enough BS in our life!

They will tell you that it's your land but not your animals. If cameras are on your land then they will obviously belong to you. It would be a quick easy fine for them to hand out and that is pretty much all they can bust people on it seems like.
So i guess you all are going to give up scopes, binos, spotting scopes, rangefinders, 2 way radios, treestands double bull blinds. and my personel favorite hunting over watter. Yeah right!!!!!
Now if we could get them and the other western states to ban atv use during hunting season and we'd have it made...
I've had a trail camera for about a year now. I have yet to set it up. However I was thinking of setting it up tomorrow for the turkey season. I have to agree with the comments made towards favoring the cameras. I don't like them telling me another thing i can't do. I do think it can help with cutting down on over pressuring the animals before the season starts. I do like the idea of getting some cool pictures of animals. I also don't know that many big mule deer that you would get on camera before the hunting season that use the same paths come opening day. Its always been said that the big ones can smell the diesel fuel coming up the mountain. I don't see how having a picture of a buck before the season starts really helps you that much. Might help you in passing up some smaller bucks knowing whats out there. Technology has found its way into the hunting world. It will continue to find its way there. As far as water is using the lay of the land bad? Hunting is out witting the animal. Do you avoid those thick brushed draws because you know they would hold deer? Is that unfair to the animal? JMO and road hunting is not illegal. Just shooting from the road is. I wish everybody would road hunt. That just means less people back where i like to go.

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
Chewy, great point you must have kids.

Although I have thought about getting one of the cameras, have someone I know in NM set it up for me so I can get to see the beauty of things that alot of you guys get to see on a regular bases from here in IL.

Joe E Sikora
>So i guess you all are
>going to give up scopes,
>binos, spotting scopes, rangefinders, 2
>way radios, treestands double bull
>blinds. and my personel favorite
>hunting over watter. Yeah right!!!!!
It is clear to me that its guys like this that ruin everything for everyone else. Let me explain, You are probably a big city boy you does'nt want to take the time and get of your couch and go scout like a real man but rather sit and recieve e-mails from your camara. Let me just say again I support the use of camaras for scouting prior to hunting season just as the montana law reads but I draw the line of ethics when it comes to using them during the season.
Its guys like this and others posting on this thread that will be the end to using ATV's and other off road vehicles at all. When you dont respect your rights you will lose them. And that is a fact you watch and see.

Get out and hunt like a real man...
To be honest, I have been suprised for a long time that some states didnt ban the use of trail camera's along time ago!!
Chewy said "Seems that some areas, you run the risk of being an internet sensation just by taking a leak in the woods! "

Or in the alley. :)

I wonder how this will play out. Trail cameras have been way over used and the whole mystery of "opening morning" has become tainted by trail cams, constant scouting, finders fees etc. The real interesting part is that the cameras cannot be used during a hunting season. In my state, Mountain lion season runs from August 1 through July 31. Pretty much makes it illegal to use one at all. I do have a problem with the private land part and if I want to put one on my own land I will. The comment made about the state owning the wildlife therefore being able to dictate to you in this case doesn't hold much water with me. Next you will say that a photographer, professional or amatuer, cannot take pictures of the states wildlife. Hey, maybe the states could sell photography licenses and cash in on their resources a little more. Sort of help out the financial crises they are going through.
RUTTNBUCKS ,I didnt say anything about using them once hunts began only that we should look at the big picture FAIR CHASE means just that as for your fourwheelers i own them and use them but am the first one to tune one up if they are somewhere they dont belong i spend alott of time in the saddle and i can assure you i put more miles on my feet affield in a year than you can possibly imagine and the animals that litter the walls of my house attest to this fact as for the big city boy comment if st george utah is a big city whell then i guess you hit the nail on the head born and raised here and have no use for big city talk or attitude so your GET OUT AND HUNT LIKE A REAL MAN doesnt hold up with me call me sometime and we will put your money where your mouth is and we can see if you can keep up with me a foot!

[email protected]
First and foremost where Im from we would consider St george Ut a big city. Second, I must have misunderstood you about the game cams. Montana's law says you cannot use any electonics to track the movement of an animal during hunting season if you agree than I am sorry for the misunderstanding. As for the city boy comment, I get fired up everytime I see or hear someone who thinks that just because they saw something on a video they think they can go out without any thought and or preporation and do the same thing. If you are not one of those guys then i hope you will accept my appology. And keep hunting like a real man.
Tim , appology accepted and i couldnt agree more just wanted to press the FAIR CHASE ISSUE every one complains about FAIR CHASE but very few abide by it ive watched many monster bucks and bulls pre season and even snapped lots of trail cam images of them just as referance to when they come into an area and then its all eyes and feet after that . ps your welcome at my fire anytime !
I made a comparison earlier with trail cameras and airplane use. It is not the same as discussing specific equipment that hunters may carry and use like rifles, high tech bows or muzzleloaders. Airplane use to spot big game is not legal nor considered fair chase. It is not legal to do during, or so many days before a big game season. (Lion seasons, since they run year round in NV, are not considered alone as a big game season.) Why is airplane use illegal? Because of ethics. Primarily because it allows a hunter to locate a specific big game animal more easily. Usually with the animal with the biggest set of antlers. :) Does not excessive trail camera use do the same thing? It allows a hunter or guide to locate, with technology, the biggest animal on the mountain. A question all hunters must ask themselves, is that fair chase?

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
Given the significant number of high fence operations in business these days, I'd say that a lot of folks don't hold fair chase in the same regard as you do. To each his own. As fo using an airplane to spot game, the laws vary by state. Around here, you can't fly two days before you hunt and no 2 way radio communication. It sounds good on paper, but is a worthless law. My buddies dad has an airplane. He'll go out and locate the game. He carries a couple of empty Tide laundry jugs in his plane. When he spots some elk, he writes down the GPS coordinates with notes on a piece of paper and then flies back and tosses the jug out of the plane. No flying involved with the hunter and no 2 way radio. Ironically, I heard the primary intent of the law wasn't passed to stop people from using a plane to spot animals, it was pushed by worthless landowners with large chunks of landlocked BLM & state ground to discourage hunters from coming in by helicopter to hunt what they consider to be "their" property.
Its about time, I am all for hunting tech when it acounts for a cleaner harvest of an animal, or assists an outdoorsman from becoming lost. But I think after that, they lessen the chase.If you claim to be a hunter, then hunt. If you want to be a photographer, then take pics. The kill isnt the only thing to look foward to on these adventures, if it is for you I'm sorry. Every state has different laws I dont hear anyone complaining about the other differences, But in montana,NO CAMS in season, thats all. Maybe if we spent more time policing our own(hunters or guides), like the ones who claim and do use upwards of 50 plus cams,this wouldn't be. The fact is we haven't and now they are taking away the trail cam in Montana. Maybe they should make you buy a stamp to set up "1 or 2" for the guys who cant hunt without them. thx

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